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Why is Investing in Commercial Real Estate a Good Idea?

SVN Infinity
Why is Investing in Commercial Real Estate a Good Idea?

What is a commercial real estate property?

  1. Buildings for retail
  2. Buildings for office space.
  3. Warehouses.
  4. Buildings for Industrial purposes
  5. Buildings for apartments
  6. Buildings that have retail shops, office space, etc.
  • Investment in commercial Estate increases your income, compared to renting to a single-family, which yields a profit of around 2-4%, commercial estate gives you a profit of around 6-12% on the price it was purchased. 
  • Commercial real estate has specific hours when the shops are open, you won’t have to worry about any hassle at night, unlike renting for housing where you can be called for maintenance anytime.
  • The retail tenants manage their space by themselves as they need to catch the customer’s eye, you can save yourself putting extra efforts into that.
  • You can have more business to business customer relationships with the tenant which will help in keeping the conversation professional.
  • Retail tenants have to maintain their image for their customers, for which they take care of the property which is in the common interest of both the tenant and the landlord, hence the quality and value of the property increases with time.
  • If your commercial real estate property is in a very premium location, megabrands would be interested in your property, and because they have to maintain a very good reputation amongst their customers, your property’s condition will improve along with its value. Shops like Adidas store or Starbucks would further increase the value of your property.
  • You don’t have to pay any expenses on the property, it is the job of the lessee to pay the taxes and expenses. You only need to pay the Mortgage.

To have access to the best Investment property commercial Real Estate services, visit Infinity commercial group.

SVN Infinity
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