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List of Top BPT colleges in Karnataka- Akash Institute 2021

jenny saunders
List of Top BPT colleges in Karnataka- Akash Institute 2021

Akash Institute of Physiotherapy was started in the year 2019 under the Akash Educational and Development Trust which was established in 2014 and managed by Akash Group of Institutions. It is a co-education college that is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) and approved by the Government of Karnataka.

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) course is a practice-oriented course that focuses on using physical movement as a strategy to prevent disability, muscle atrophy, and diseases of movement. It also helps to restore and maintain mobility, function of muscles and joints, strength, durability, and vitality. Chronic conditions of bones, tissues, and muscles can be avoided with physiotherapy. It also helps to maintain flexibility and adaptability of muscles and joints.

The BPT course deals with the application of movement and physical activities to prevent disability and various diseases related to the skeletal system. It helps to maintain, improve, or restore mobility, flexibility, strength, and function through exercise, movement, and action. Subjects included in the course are anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, general medicine and surgery, orthopedics, traumatology, and community-based rehabilitation. 

Admission in Akash Institute BPT college in Karnataka 2020, click on: https://www.akashinstitutions.com/akash-institute-of-physiotherapy

jenny saunders
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