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How Active Processes Scanning Works and Renew License in Webroot? - www.webroot.com/safe

grace edens

Webroot antivirus is the best security software which scans the data on regular basis to secure it from virus or malware. This software has many features for the security of your device like fast scanning, web cam protection, web shield protection, identity shield, reliability and compatibility. The customer can install and activate it through www.webroot.com/safe get free key for 2021.

Webroot Active Process Scanning Works:

In this, the settings which are related to the threat-detection on the applications and the activities can be modified according to your needs. For this, first you have to launch the Webroot SecureAnywhere screen and then just select the Gear-shaped icon. Now from the Utilities tab, you should select the System Control option. Here, the center screen shows the short description of Control Active Processes. Under this, you have to select the Start option. At this point, all the active processes on your computer system appear on your computer screen. Here, you have to select one of the radio button i.e. Allow, Monitor, Block which is next to the process according to your need. If you want more information related to the process, then you should select the one and then click the More Info button which is located at the bottom of the screen. If in case, you want to remove the untrusted process, then you should select the Kill Untrusted Processes button.

Safestart Sand Box Scanning:

If you want to test the malware in a program in a safe zone, then SafeStart SandBox scanning will be used. After this, you have to select the System Tools option which is in the main window. Then, you have to click on the Start option in the System Control tab which will launch the SafeStart dialog box. After this, you have to use the Browse option just to select the file. Here, you have to check or uncheck the box next to the feature which you want to enable/disable.

read full info this link: How You Can Configure and Enable Identity Shield Setting in Webroot in 2021?

Renew Webroot License:

First, you have to select the Webroot icon which is on the Windows computer’s taskbar. Then, you have to click on Show Hidden Icons just to view the Webroot icon. When you have opened the Webroot Secure Anywhere program, then you should click on the My Account button. Now, you will view a keycode appears on your screen. If in case, you view a renewal message, then you should click on it and then you have to follow the Webroot Antivirus Installation guidelines which appears on your screen. But if you cannot view a renewal message, then you should note the key code and just open Google Chrome. After this, go to the address bar. At this point, you should enter the keycode and then click on Continue option. At last, you should finish the payment process and then your account will be renewed automatically.

The above method will explain you about the active process scanning and renew license in Webroot. If the customer need help, then you can go to the site of Webroot via webroot.com/safe activation free key for 2021.

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grace edens
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