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Our Digital Marketing Trends Predictions Of 2021

Beckie North
Our Digital Marketing Trends Predictions Of 2021

With 2021 here, we have been keeping our ear close to the ground and listening out for what’s changing in the digital marketing world.

We’ve pulled together the most talked-about trends and new concepts of the past few months to bring you our take on what digital marketing trends could be the ones to focus on in 2021.

Schema Markup

Schema is a way to tell search engines exactly what is on your webpage. It’s hidden in the code of your website and has more weight than other SEO activities, like keyword density. Schema markup is a great way to increase the chance of ranking in featured snippets, or People also ask.

This activity is probably one of, if not the quickest growing search engine optimisation activity and we think its current growth will continue into 2021. It’s getting harder and harder to rank on search engine results pages, so utilising schema markup is a must for any digital marketer.

Need to audit your SEO?

Visual Searches

We mentioned in a previous blog post that visual searching has changed the SEO landscape somewhat in the past 12 months and we believe that there is serious scope when it comes to this futuristic marketing activity.

What’s more, optimising for visual search is super quick and easy, it’s just not something that every digital marketer can be bothered to do. The good news? That’s means it’s relatively simple to get one up on your competitors. Remember to check here to get some quick tips on how to improve your image SEO.

Social Media Watch

A good digital marketer is always on the lookout for new ways to attract an audience and social media is constantly evolving. Our social media services monitor the landscape and recommend the best networks for you, but you can do things yourself to level up your business’ digital marketing presence.

We know just how much better video mediums are at acquiring customers, so keep your eyes peeled for emerging social media channels and content types, as we feel the likes of TikTok, Reels, Stories, etc. will become ever more important in the quest to convert.

Privacy Concerns

Now, 2020 has seen many people raise concerns over their privacy being used for marketing purposes, so, naturally, this will have a knock-on effect going into the next year. Google has now limited, more than ever, the data we can see from our PPC campaigns, meaning we have less and less to go on when creating these advertisements.

This hits home the point that every business needs a professional when it comes to Pay Per Click, someone who knows how the reach a certain audience and accurately track how your customers came to be your customers.

We predict that, in the next year, these limits may become even more widespread and searchers could potentially learn how to override some core principals of data collection. It’s vital that every PPC professional gets to grips with GDPR compliance and learns how to track adverts properly, even with Google Ads attempting to automate everything you do.

Personalised Content

The aim of the digital marketing game in 2021 is not so much to drive high quantities of traffic, as it has been in previous years, but to create real value for your audiences.

Developing trusting relationships and building personal customer journeys is key to generating consumer advocacy. What your buyers have to say about you is now much more important, as these will be key ways in which content can be generated for your organisation. How many brands have you seen lately that are showcasing user-created content? Lots. The challenge is doing what many businesses are doing, but... better. Or, maybe you’re one to stray away from the ordinary and branch out to a different form of content marketing and tackle another stage of the funnel.

Whatever way you personalise your content, make it on brand and remember that it’s substance over style.


If you’re scratching your head over your digital marketing strategy for 2021, then give us a bell, DM, tweet, email, however you fancy! Or, check out our services in a little more detail to see what might be the right course of action for your business.

Beckie North
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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