![Copay wallet support phone number [1-(810)-355-4365] Copay bitcoin wallet with advanced security](https://d1tlrxy0mfxnyo.cloudfront.net/thumbnail/366464/a68f1e85-56fa-4b7f-84d0-2d12c9ef2cc1.png?width=649)
As a security, Copay utilizes a 12-word express that will be utilized each time you need to back up a wallet. Since you can utilize it across various stages, you need to reinforcement your wallet each time you make an exchange. Each time you pick another method of getting to the wallet, you should include the expression again.This highlight is intended to manage clients when making installments and forestall sending cryptographic money to some unacceptable location. In fact, addresses are only a long queue of numbers and letters, and regularly crypto clients misunderstand them. BIP guarantees you are sending it to the correct location by assisting you with confirming the wallet address prior to sending bitcoins. According to exhortation shared on the Copay Github, accounts that have a bigger power over the shared keys are named as Boss records, which can agitate the security proportion of the shared wallet. The Copay wallet can be downloaded and utilized liberated from cost. That doesn't imply that there are no exchange expenses; it relies upon the organization you are utilizing and fluctuates as needs be. For customer support contact our Copay wallet support phone number [1-(810)-355-4365] with best technical expert.