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How to Convert iOS App to Android App?

SunTec India
How to Convert iOS App to Android App?

Mobile devices are all the rage right now. They can fit in your pocket as you travel and you can carry them everywhere you go. All the technology in the world is now available in the palm of your hands. All you need is mobile app development to stay relevant as a business and reach your target audience.

For this, you will also need to decide on a platform to develop your application. The two most popular choices being iOS and Android. They both have their own merits and users in millions. You can make this decision based on resources, popularity in your local area, or circumstances. Earlier, the developers had a limited choice of building a single platform at a time. Developers used to focus on creating for either Android or iOS, but not both. This way an owner could market to a particular set of users.

In developed nations, most users preferred using an iPhone over a Google device. This is the reason many businesses started creating apps for iOS users. But as the market for Android increases, owners look to switch from iOS to Android to target the other set of audience. This post mentions all the challenges and steps to migrate an app from iOS to Android. It also mentions the cost estimate of making this conversion and guides you to building a new application from scratch. Once you are familiar with the fundamentals, it is easy to switch and expand your business to reach more users.

Continue reading more- How to Convert iOS App to Android App?

SunTec India
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