Study24x7 is an Best learning apps in India which help students and educators to communicate in a easier way and it is a FREE app for individuals to learn from 50+ interests!
Now with the help of Online learning app - Study24x7 you can interact, collaborate and learn from both your teachers and peers on the same platform.
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In virtual education and online learning, schools have reshaped their Republic Day traditions so that students and teachers can keep the fervor of this important day alive.
This Republic Day, let’s see how the 'National Education Policy 2020' will lay the foundation for a new India that aspires to grow as an international center of information in the most holistic and sustainable of ways.The NEP has added a lot to the education front in terms of required reforms.
By strengthening their expertise and awareness, NEP 2020 will empower all the nation's citizens.The SDGs 2030 targets to provide primary and secondary education for everyone (including boys and girls), and also fair access to quality technical education to the member states of the UN.
NEP 2020 is built upon five pillars: access, affordability, equity, quality, and accountability, as set out above in the SDG principles.Accessibility of EducationThe greatest win under the NEP is that the age of 3-6 years is a particular consideration.
In addition, a new Gender Equality Fund for education and advancement of disabled education is also active.
It notes that all regulations relating to higher education tuition and charges by private institutions must be open and reported and the fees can not be unilaterally raised by institutions.Equity for allThe UNSDG 2030 emphasizes that both men and women, young and adults, disadvantaged individuals, indigenous peoples, and persons who are living in disadvantaged circumstances will be given universal access to education.

Study24x7 is India's first social learning network, free online learning and teaching platform.
Its objective is to connect educators and learners from all over the globe.
It allows educators to create and sell courses on various interests, write articles based on various subjects, conduct live classes, create test series, etc.
Also it allows learners to learn and interact with educators and their peers.
our vision is to connect educators and learners and break the geographical boundaries.When we started study24x7.com, we wanted to create the kind of environment we’d enjoy coming to everyday.
So our offices are filled with talented people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

Online teaching helps students to be connected and continued with prescribed syllabus and curriculum.
The Kompanions digital learning experience platform is a consumer-grade learning software designed to create more personalized learning skills and help students discover Individualized learning platforms for schools and institutes.The platform facilitates extensive and comprehensive insights for teacher and learner performances, benchmarking it up against other individuals.
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