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Website Malware Scan

Website Malware Scan

The importance of performing website malware scan and repair on a regular basis cannot be overstated. Some forms of malware can cause serious damage to your computer system and can easily be prevented by scanning your website for suspicious codes. The presence of malware on a website is very common, but very few people take the time to run a full website malware scan and repair before they commit to their websites. It is estimated that over 90% of websites that are currently active utilize some form of malware on them. This article will explain why it is so important to perform website malware scan and repair on a regular basis.


One of the most common forms of malware infection is that of WordPress. Hackers can create WordPress blogs that lead to user profiles that contain many different functions and commands. Because these commands are stored in the website's core files, it is extremely difficult to identify any infected file and conduct an effective website malware scan and repair. Some malware causes web browsers to execute commands in the background, and without proper behavioral analysis using a web browser, it can be impossible to detect this type of intrusion. To ensure you do not become a victim of this type of hack, you should run a website malware scan and repair on a daily basis.


Not only does the website malware scan and repair expose vulnerabilities on your site that could be used to gain access to your customers' information, but it can also identify any scripts that attempt to download a list of infected files from a directory. By using a popular malware scanning program, you can easily identify which files have been downloaded by hackers. You can then perform a manual or automated website malware scan and repair to remove these files, as well as any other malware or spyware that may be on your system. Running a malware scan and repair each day will allow you to keep your website safe from hackers and prevent any potential issues.


Some website malware scan offer both free and paid scans. Free scanners often only offer a basic list of malware. The paid scanner will provide a detailed list that includes file types, description, and version number of each malware file. Because of their capability to quickly identify new threats, they are a great way to stay one step ahead of the cyber-criminals that may be lurking on the internet.


In addition to running a website malware scan and repair each day, you should also use free website security software to help prevent future attacks. Some of the best free website security software options available today include AVG Free Antivirus, CCleaner Pro, and Webroot Internet Security. Each of these programs have several anti-spyware options, allowing you to keep your computer virus free and safe from harmful programs. While each product has its strong and weak points, each has been proven to be a solid option for boosting website security.


While it is important for every business owner to have an effective scanner and cleaner, it is even more important to update and run a scan often. Viruses can change rapidly. You never know when a vulnerability first shows up on your system. It is easy to miss all the signs that could let a hacker in, until it is too late. By scanning your system daily, you will be protecting your company and your computer against hackers.

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