AI Products 

Case study on mobile app: Elev8tion

Prismetric Technologies
Case study on mobile app: Elev8tion

Elev8tion application is a social media application where user can upload post & story, find people or friends to connect with them. In addition, they can chat with other people, create or join an event, party, or accept challenges.


Client Requirement

  • User should able to upload the post with the text, photos, and videos
  • User should able to find, connect, and chat with the other person as an individual and a group
  • User should able to create or join event, attend a party, or accept a challenge

Application features and functionalities - Elev8tion

  • Registration and log in with social media accounts
  • Upload post or story with the text, images, videos and share it on the timeline
  • Find friend, connect with them
  • Have one to one and group chat with friends
  • Abel to create and manage events, party and challenges
  • Join and invite friends to join the party, event and challenges
  • Save and manage the personal notes
  • Manage profiles and friends

Technical Specification & Implementation

  • Android: Android Studio with Java
  • iOS: XCode with Swift


We successfully developed and implemented the mobile application (Android & iOS) where a user can upload the post, share it with other people, find friends, chat with the friends, create and manage the event, party and challenges.

Prismetric Technologies
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