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Mexflow Copper Pipes / Tubes Supplier in India

devbrat ravi
Mexflow Copper Pipes / Tubes Supplier in India

Mexflow Copper Pipe Dealer, Stockiest, Exporter, Supplier, Mexflow Copper Tubes Suppliers in India- Manibhadra Fittings

Manibhadra Fittings is the leading Mexflow Copper Pipes Supplier in India. At Manibhadra Fittings Mexflow Copper Pipe are supply with high-quality raw material. We set the standard for quality, consistency, and service in the plumbing, refrigeration, and HVAC industries high so that none of our clients have to compromise with the quality of copper pipes. All Mexflow Copper Pipe is designed and developed in accordance with IQS (International Quality Standards). We supply only superior quality Mexflow Copper Pipe in India. All our Mexflow Copper Pipe are supplied with precision. Mexflow Copper Pipe has proven to be incredibly durable. Our Mexflow Copper Pipe is able to handle the pressure of up to 1000 psi.

Manibhadra Fittings is a leading dealer of mexflow copper pipe in India.

With top-quality raw material, our R&D also has provided us with the latest technology and methods to supply the best quality of Mexflow Copper Pipe in India. Our new methods and the latest technology help us make the superior quality of the Mexflow Copper Pipe available for an affordable price. Our supply chain is spread to major Indian cities. We supply Mexflow Copper Pipe to new clients monthly. We have clients purchasing Mexflow Copper Pipe in most of the Industrial cities in India.

Mexflow Copper Tube & Pipe Specification, Sizes, Grades:

  • specification: ASTM B68 / ASTM B75 / ASTM B280 / ASTM B88 / JIS H 3300 / EN1057 or BS2871 / IS2501
  • Size: 1½” OD to 6” OD in 22swg, 20swg, 18swg, 16swg, 14swg, 12swg, 10swg, 10mm Copper pipes
  • Thickness: 0.3 – 9 mm
  • Types: Seamless / ERW / Welded / Fabricated.

Mexflow Copper Pipe Weight Calculation:

(OD-WT) x WT x 0.0281 = KGS/ MTR

Mexflow Copper Pipe Applications & Uses

  • Textile machinery
  • the Oil and gas industry
  • Medical Gas Pipeline Systems
  • Pharmaceutical processing industry
  • Fluid piping.
  • Modern architecture.
  • Water waste projects.






















devbrat ravi
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