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What are the steps to achieving ISO 14001 certification

What are the steps to achieving ISO 14001 certification

ISO 14001 is the worldwide standard that strengthens the environment management system. Each and every organization directly or indirectly, impacts the environment. Here this standard helps in measuring, controlling and instrumentally reducing the environmental impact. ISO 14001 Certification in Kuwait is pertinent for associations of all types and sizes. Also it directs the organizations to work on environment sustainability. 

The certification of ISO 14001 can be highly beneficial. It is value adding certification, and will fabricate your organization’s image and build goodwill.

Steps of achieving  ISO 14001 Standard

Organization should first comply with all the normative procedures and statutory norms present in the standard. they must implement each requirement. After that comes the process of completing the documentation. It is majorly an important step is documentation of ISO 14001 Standard. The documents shall include your quality manual, procedure documented, work instructions and lastly your work records and forms. Proper documentation must be completed before conducting the audit.
Once you have completed the formality of documentation, there are various steps to acquire the Certification. The process of achieving ISO 14001 Standard is given as follows-

  1. Internal-audit: This audit is primarily to check up your EMS forms.
  2. Management audit: A thorough survey is conducted by your administration to retrieve the applicable realities 
  3. Corrective activities – Following the inside review and the management audit, you have to address the underlying driver of any distinguished issues and archive how they were settled.

The organization ISO 14001 standard process is partitioned into two phases:

  1. Stage One (documentation survey) – The reviewers from your picked certification body will check to guarantee your documentation meets the prerequisites of ISO 14001 certification.
  2. Stage Two (primary audit) – Here, the certification body evaluators will check whether your genuine exercises are consistent with both ISO 14001 certification and your very own documentation by investigating reports, records, and company practices.

The laws and requirements oriented to the environment, as given in the standard, must be adopted and implemented by the organizations. Obtaining ISO 14001 standard enhances the environment management system of the company. If you are looking for ISO 14001 Certification, get in touch with SIS Certifications- one of the leading ISO Certification services in Kuwait.

know more the benefits of ISO 14001 Certification -


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