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Voiceover Services Scotland

Red Facilities
Voiceover Services Scotland

In Scotland, we have many talented voiceover artists of all ages.  At Red Facilities, we offer a range of services for voiceover artists and clients looking for amazing voiceover artists for their production.

Casting Services

Our online casting platform gives you access to over 350 voice artists aged 6-86. We are happy to help with casting too, for a fee so small your budget won’t feel a thing. Give us a call or email over a script and a brief.

Voiceover Showreel Production

We are vastly experienced in producing and casting voice actors. All of us at RED are established voice actors so we know what it’s like from both sides of the glass.

If you need an old showreel updated or want to create something new, we can help.

Find The Perfect Voiceover Artist For Your Production

Our database of actors can be searched by name, accent, language, gender or age. So what are you waiting for?  Please search and listen to our very talented voice over artists.





Red Facilities
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