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Antioxidant Patch | Body Balanced Remedies

Francisco Lewis
Antioxidant Patch | Body Balanced Remedies

Make your body immune system stronger easily with Antioxidant Patch exclusively by Body Balanced Remedies. Browse through the collection of other Bio-Frequency Patches online!

Antioxidants are disease fighting warriors, that work around the clock to protect your health. They are protecting your body from free radicals, little molecules that cause damage to healthy Cells and even your DNA over time. Antioxidants are special compounds that can help you Live a long and healthy life.

These discs may be worn in the water while swimming or showering.

They are safe to wear when exercising and going about other daily routines.

The disposal discs use an FDA approved hypoallergenic adhesive for sensitive skin types.

Body balanced remedies introduces unique bio frequency patches which helps to regain body's electromagnetic fields so you can attain excellent wellness and get rapid pain relief.

Francisco Lewis
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