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7 Tips for Choosing the Right Safety Barriers for Your Needs

Jessica Wilson
7 Tips for Choosing the Right Safety Barriers for Your Needs

Safety barriers are the physical objects for safety and awareness and are used at roads, workplaces, warehouses, construction sites, and other prohibited areas. These physical barriers prevent people or vehicles from going to a specific location. When done correctly, it is a great way to help improving safety.

The safety barriers and safety bollards are available in different sizes, shapes, and weights made up of other materials as per the usage and requirements. These smart impact protection systems are a simple way to avoid accidents and damage in our daily operations.

The different types of bollards are:

  • Steel pipe bollards - These are the most common type found around buildings and parking lots to manage traffic. Impact-resistant vehicle impacts are cost-effective and are most suited for traffic guidance and serve to protect pedestrians and properties.

Best suited for parking lots, heavy traffic sidewalks, and sensitive locations, steel pipe bollards are useful for various traffic applications.

  • Removable bollards – Identical to permanent bollards, they can be removed from the post when required. They allow flexible vehicle access and are less impact-resistant when compared to other safety bollards. The removable bollards can be used at sites with versatile configurations, or for temporary traffic security. Most suited at areas where activities and vehicle access vary, these provide additional protection at lower costs.
  • Collapsible bollards – Alternate option for removable bollards, these can be folded down against the ground or can be locked upright. The flexibility of the bollards allows vehicles to drive over them when required.

These bollards are in much use at parking lots and garages where vehicles are required with controlled access to specific parking spots. Some of the collapsible bollards equipped with visual indicators can also control traffic for lane access and designated reserve parking spaces.

  • Flexible bollards – Made from durable polymer plastic and an appearance of steel they are sturdy which can bend under pressure. The flexibility of bending up to 90 degrees before returning to the original position without causing damage makes these bollards a perfect choice.

Effective in areas with high traffic movements, they cause minimum damage after a collision. The flexible safety bollards can also be used with strong visual indicators at extended sidewalks, crosswalks, and other traffic medians.

Applications of the safety bollards

Some of the bollard implementations include:

  • As pedestrian guides for lane movements
  • To provide security to the storefronts and other structures
  • For protection against low vehicular impacts
  • To protect from vulnerable places like gas stations, etc.
  • For asset protection like ATMs, retail showrooms and keeping safeguard while cleaning
  • For airports, and other secure public places


Safety is a big issue for vehicular traffic movements and many public places. Besides proper traffic controls, the safety barriers are cost-efficient over the use of an extended period. Protecting from structural damages and helping reduce threats, these barriers also improve visual surroundings with better looks.


Jessica Wilson
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