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Why is the Sonalika tractor the best choice for Indian farmer?

Bhavesh Sharma
Why is the Sonalika tractor the best choice for Indian farmer?

Sonalika tractor is a well renowned and most reliable tractor manufacturing brand. Sonalika offers best-in-class features with top of the line specification to their tractor for efficient farming operations. Ensuring high profitability in the business, Sonalika tractor models provide better value for your money. In this blog, we talk about the best selling Sonalika tractor models in India, along with their features and price. 

What makes Sonalika tractor the preferred choice?

  • Sonalika tractor comes equipped with a powerful yet robust engine, along with the latest technology to enhance the quality and quantity of yield. 
  • Sonalika tractors are highly versatile, durable and efficient machines, making them suitable for multiple farming operations.
  • These tractor models are available at the starting price of Rs. 3.20 lakhs* in India, making them very affordable for the small or marginal farmer. 

Most Selling Sonalika Tractor in India


  • Sonalika 42 Di Sikander


Sonalika 42 Di Sikander is a heavy duty tractor model. It is a 2WD - 45HP tractor model which comes with dual clutch and power steering for smooth and easy operation in the field. Large 55 of large fuel tank enables the tractor for long working hours. This sonalika tractor price starts from Rs. 5.40 - 5.70 lakhs* in India. 

For more information about Sonalika tractor in India, stay tuned with TractorGuru. Here you can buy these tractor models online at an affordable price. 

Bhavesh Sharma
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