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Why You Need To Upgrade To Magento 2?

Solwin Infotech
Why You Need To Upgrade To Magento 2?

Magento 2 migration was a big decision. After all, your online business has a massive dependency on the technology stack you choose to run it on. While deciding the right technology, it is all about the rewards you get by choosing one particular technology. But what happens when the technology stack you chose has just got a new upgrade – a powerful one. For many people, it is a no-brainer, and they would jump right on to a decision. But no, you must know whether your business is ready for the big change or not. You must have the right reasoning, such as in the case of upgrading Magento 2 store. So, does your store needs an upgrade? And if yes, how should you know?

TBH, you would start seeing five particular signs that we would be discussing in the blog today. But before that, why don’t we start understanding Magento 2 and the “new” that the technology has to offer. So, let’s begin. Furthermore, you can jump right on to the signs section if you have already migrated to Magento 2.

Magento 1 Vs. Magento 2

The major difference between Magento 1 and Magento 2 is that of experience. Magento 2 is truly new and improved when it comes to speed, SEO-friendliness, and user-friendliness; not only Magento 2 is unprecedented when compared to Magento 1 but any other eCommerce technology. Here are some other differentiating factors.


1. Architectural Differences

Magento 1 is efficient, but it falls short when we talk about store performance. After a lot of received complaints regarding the issue, Magento 2 has come as an apt answer. Magento 2 can now be used with various new technologies, like Apache, Symfony, Ngnix 1.7, and also the latest version of PHP.

Other than that, there are many security improvements that have added to the store’s performance. Reduction in unnecessary browser operations on the client-side has taken off a lot of work on the developer size by reducing JavaScript. Advanced browser caching, static content, there are many improvements that have made your online store operations speedier.

Magento 2 is efficient in handling 39% more orders per hour. It has a quicker server response time for catalog browsing and a 66% faster add-to-cart server response time. Checkouts are 51% faster. These stats are proof that the architectural changes in Magento 2 are making your stores more efficient in providing an amazing user experience on the site.


2. Extensions

We all love that Magento 1 provides several 3rd party extensions. However, there is one prevailing problem. Two or more extensions try to rewrite the same functionality. The worse part is it can be solved manually, and for that, you would have to hire someone from the technical side with experience. It is time-consuming and puts a big burning hole in the pockets of small enterprises.

Magento 2, on the other hand, allows codes to overlap with the core code rather than overriding it. It makes Magento 2 extensions apt for people with less technical knowledge and has made their business life more comfortable and pocket-friendly. It uses HTML5, CSS3, JS to make sure installation and updating of these extensions are easy.

3. Dashboard

The dashboard makes your life so much easier. You can manage your multiple stores using Magento and perform various operations. No matter how much efficient the dashboard was on Magento 1, people found it difficult to use.

User-friendliness is not just the biggest trend when it comes to shortening the learning curve of the users but also for the enterprise owners, and Magento 2 has aced it with the new user-friendly, interactive, and powerful Magento 2 admin panel.

It makes it easy for you to find information quickly, makes navigation better, and manages your store efficiently.

Also, Magento 2 shows you lifetime sales, average orders, top search terms, revenue terms, revenue tax, last orders, and other things to improve your decision-making and bringing more ease to business operations.

4. SEO-Friendly

There is not much difference between Magento 1 and Magento 2 in terms of SEO. But it is improved. You can now see duplicacy in the content; you can check canonical tags and avoid any duplicity in the content that can hurt your SEO. Magento 2 also enables meta tags for individual pages and is excellently optimized for mobiles, which boosts your ranking.

5. Security

In Magento 2, the hashing algorithm is much stronger, which improves password management. Magento 2 supports Argon2ID13 through PHP sodium extension. It requires the libsodium library version 1.0.13 or higher. As password was not one of the primary concerns in Magento 1, and Magneto ending its support to Magento, it is one of the biggest reasons you must migrate to Magento 2. No updates, no security patches, buggy experience, and the site would be doomed. Using Magento 1 still is going to put your site under vulnerable circumstances.

6. Price

The community edition is free to download. But there are price changes in the Enterprise Edition of Magneto2. Magento2 EE license cost starts at 22000 USD annually.

These were the 6 top differences between Magento 1 and Magento 2. Now let’s move forward to the signs that indicate you must plan to move to Magento 2.

Signs That Will Tell You To Upgrade Your Magento 2 Store

1. Increased Traffic On The Current Online Store

As your business grows, the traffic on the site increases to the extent that the current online store is not able to handle it. As a result, your store starts rendering a poor experience to your visitors. This can hurt your SEO and also can crash your site. You might experience broken pages if you are using the old Magento version 2.3.1.

Factors such as site performance and user experience can hurt your brand reputation. In no time, people would start putting bad reviews on the side and start moving to the competitors. Before that happens, you must resolve it.

One way to do it is by increasing your bandwidth. Second, upgrade Magento 2 website before the bounce rate starts increasing. Magento 2.3.2 has improved caching and database capabilities. It helps you improve the store performance and thus provides a seamless experience to your users.

2. Conversion Rates Are Falling Drastically

The conversion rate is very much connected to the site experience. People today take user-experience as a trusting factor for any brand. If you are getting a high rate of traffic, but the conversion rate is unexpectedly too low, it might be time you must consider upgrading it.

If you are using Magento open source, you would be surprised, but you are missing out on major conversion-driving features that are offered on magneto commerce.

With the help of Magento Commerce, you improve the site performance on your online store, assist your customers and retain them on the go. You get in-built gift card functionality, gift wrapping choices, marketing messages, and storefronts. Customized cross-sells and up-sell is a powerful feature you would not want to miss on.

Read the full article here.




Solwin Infotech
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