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Eicher 485 Super price feature and specification

Eicher 485 Super price feature and specification

Eicher 485 SUPER DI Tractor Engine – Kya baat Kya baat

Eicher 485 SUPER DI Tractor is a 45 HP Tractor made with great precision to rule in Inan fields. It comes with a powerful engine of 3067 CC to give you a superior driving experience. Not only this tractor comes with a great toughness but it also comes with 3-cylinders to provide you with great power along with superb toughness.

Eicher 485 SUPER DI Tractor Features – Sabse Khaas

  • Eicher 485 SUPER DI comes with a Dry Type Single / Dual Clutch and this improves its capacity and makes it outstands in its field.

  • Eicher 485 SUPER DI tractor comes with an option to choose between Dry Disc Brakes / Oil Immersed Brakes brakes that provide it with a viable grasp and it also prevents slippage.

  • It has an exceptional mileage with a fuel capacity of 48 Lit that results in longer working hours.

  • Eicher 485 SUPER DI has both Mechanical and Power Steering options and 8 Forward + 2 Reverse Gear Box.

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