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Top Java trends for 2021.

olivia cuthbert
Top Java trends for 2021.


As we advance to the end of the year, it's time to predict which technologies will dominate the next 12 months. Whether you're an expert or just starting, learning about these top 5 Java trends will help you succeed in the competitive world of software development and achieve your business goals.


Top 5 Java Trends

1| Java publishers

According to a JetBrains survey, despite being an older version, Java 8 is the most popular (75% of those surveyed), with Java 11 coming in second (32% of those surveyed). Will this trend continue in 2021?


So notably, there is no indication of significant change. It is worth noting that Java SE 15 is the last release to make it onto the update list; as the next release is not LTS, SE 15 will support a further six months.


Text Blocks. The Text Block meets the final and permanent feature of the language. A new escape version, a preview session releases in release 13 in the second preview of release 14 

Records (Second Preview). History allows you to declare a class to which the constructor, getter, equals, hashCode, and toString methods.


Hidden classes. These classes are generated dynamically at runtime and cannot be linked directly to other courses' bytecode. Such systems can not get access by name and are active removed from memory.

2| Spring 

Spring is the most common Java framework, used almost everywhere, from streaming platforms to online shopping. It creates the backend for Java applications on the Java Enterprise Edition platform, designed to develop Java applications' backends on the Java 


Spring is lightweight and relatively easy to implement, which is why we expect it to become even more popular in 2021. If you're looking to develop your skills over the next year, Spring is the place to be.


3| Serverless architecture

Another trend that will become even more prominent in 2021 is the move towards serverless architectures. But what does the term serverless mean? It's a cloud services model where developers focus solely on coding and not on infrastructure. The serverless name architecture can be misleading, as it implies that there are no servers. Of course, the solution builds on a server.


In this scenario, developers using serverless architecture do not need to worry about configuring the machine, updating the operating system, setting up the network, or scaling the application. These tasks belong to the serverless provider, such as Amazon, Microsoft, or Google. Each of the major public cloud providers offers a service that can be called serverless.


Why will they be popular in 2021? Microservices offer several benefits, including lower operating costs, greater flexibility and agility in the software development process, and faster delivery of value in the form of new system features.

4| Big data

Java is unquestionably the most widely used language in the development of big data projects. Given its rapid growth, it is easy to predict that Java will continue to dominate this technology in the future. If you are considering a career in data science, it is worth exploring the most popular tools for implementing big data in Java.


Xplenty is a cloud-based, easy-to-use data integration service that allows businesses to move, process, and transform more data faster, reduce setup time, and enable companies to get more out of their data more quickly.

Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed computing and extensive data cluster analysis, includes related software and tools such as Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Spark, Kafka, and others. The Hadoop ecosystem includes related software and tools such as Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Spark, and Kafka.

Cassandra (Apache Cassandra) is an open-source (NoSQL solution) distributed data management system. It is intended to handle large amounts of distributed data on multiple servers and continue to operate even if one fails.


 5| Integration testing.


Unit testing focuses on a unit of code, usually a single method or line of code. These tests only check the local execution of procedures and are not recommended for external or remote resources.


Integration testing, on the other hand, is a type of testing that checks the behavior of the software as it interacts between modules to ensure that it works correctly. This method is not yet appreciated but will become more prevalent in 2021, as we can do integration testing with database containers and queues.

Above, I have compiled some of the top trends of Java . If you wish to hire a java developer you can get in touch with some top java development companies in India.

olivia cuthbert
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