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CodeIgniter And CakePHP - Must Known Differences

Albert Smith
CodeIgniter And CakePHP - Must Known Differences

PHP programming language doesn’t require any introduction, since years it is ruling the web development industry. It is a highly recommended and widely used technology to build websites. This platform offers a wide range of functionalities to the developers that allows them to interact with many different database languages including MySQL, based on open source, and easily maintained and updated. 

Apart from this, PHP has a great support of the frameworks and that becomes the major reason to opt for this programming language as a foremost choice for the website development services. There are a huge number of tools and frameworks, but among them CodeIgniter and CakePHP has always been a debating topic for the PHP developers. 

CodeIgniter is a powerful framework and CakePHP is known for its scalability. Both of them have their own functionalities. In this blog, we will discuss the technologies with their functionalities along with this, we will also highlight the major differences between them, which will help developers to choose the right technology as per their project requirements. 

Know all about CodeIgniter Framework 

CodeIgniter is a powerful and open source framework, which is used for a rapid web development process. This tool is used to build dynamic websites and launched under MIT License. It allows to streamline the coding process, is also based on MVC ( Model View Controller) functionality, and written in PHP programming language.Codeigniter web development services help in several operations which includes sending emails, uploading files, managing sessions, etc. In 

Functionalities of CodeIgniter 

  • Model-View-Controller 
  • Extremely Light Weight.
  • Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.
  • Query Builder Database Support.
  • Form and Data Validation.
  • Security and XSS Filtering.
  • Session Management.
  • Email Sending Class.

Know all about CakePHP  Framework

CakePHP is known for its less coding functionalities, it allows developers to speed up the coding process. It is written in PHP and based on Model View Controller as well as open source attributes.Launched under the MIT License and has in-built functionalities such as email, session, cookie, security, and request handling.

Apart from this, it is built on the Object Relationship Model, which helps to easily create SQL queries on the server side that turns the usage of libraries easily. This framework is also highly secure and is preferred for the complex website development process. 

  • Supports several language and database
  • Inbuilt security Functionalities 
  • Supports Database - MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL and SQLite
  • Code generation, Flexible ACL, and catching 
  • Search engine friendly URL’s,
  • Compatible with versions 4 and 5 of PHP
  • Easily extendable

Furthermore, in this blog, let’s discuss the major differences between CodeIgniter And CakePHP that every developer should know. 

CodeIgniter v/s CakePHP


When it comes to the difference in terms of simplicity between CodeIgniter  and CakePHP, then CodeIgniter wins the battle. This framework is highly popular for its simplicity only,  as the full process can be managed with the controller

CakePHP developers are enabled to leverage the functionalities only in the perspective of user automation. In the perspective of the development process, programmers have to go in the core of the coding and development process as well as they require in depth information in terms of technical aspects. 

Model View Controller 

Both CodeIgniter and CakePHP have strong support of the MVC architecture pattern. Hence, CodeIgniter programmers are enabled to build websites without deployment which turns code into insecure and provides access to everyone.  

With CakePHP the complexity of the development process used to reduce, while developing the large applications and it also turns the application into manageable. Apart from this, it also supports parallel development that means  different teams can focus on multiple functionalities. 

Object Relational Mapping 

Object Relational Mapping refers to ORM it is a programming technique to convert data between incompatible type systems in database and object oriented programming language. 

CakePHP has strong support of Object Relational Mapping and developers are able to leverage all the functionalities of this platform. But CodeIgniter framework doesn’t have its support developers have to be dependent on third party platforms. 


CodeIgniter framework offers a direct approach to the developers to design the layout with a caching mechanism that allows them to view that simplifies the proceedings of the development process. On the other side, CakePHP provides a default layout, developers can take full benefit of the header, footer, and sidebar. 


Both CodeIgniter and CakePHP are popular and demanding frameworks of the development industry. It is important that developers should have an ability to choose the right one as per their project requirements. In this blog, we have highlighted some of the major differences between them that every developer should know about them. 

Albert Smith
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