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This is because of the heat of the season

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This is because of the heat of the season

  People who are garden pond enthusiasts never miss to face blanket weed predicament. Blanket weed neither grow anywhere in the pond Business Causal Cotton Feel Quick Dry Stretch Fabric nor at any situation. It usually flourishes in ponds where there is much life. Koi ponds are a perfect home for blanket weed especially if it is not well-maintained. There are three key factors that enable blanket weed to thrive in the koi pond. These key factors will be of great help for those who have been thinking about the problems that blanket weed gives. A primary issue which causes blanket weed to multiply in fish ponds is the clearness of the water. Koi are usually farmed and raised in mud ponds which are characterized by their misty water. Although mud ponds are obviously rich with nutrients that will for sure make blanket weed flourish even more, blanket weed actually does bother this kind of pond that much.

Since the pond is shaded by the suspended clay and single-celled algae blooms in the water, blanket weed doesn't have a chance to stand against the turbid condition of the water. In filtered koi ponds however, the suspended organisms that make the water gloomy are cleaned leaving the water feature clear and exposed to sunlight. The chance for blanket weed to prosper becomes higher. The tap water that we use to fill our fish ponds is readily rich in nitrate and phosphates. These nutrients feed the algae in the water as they continuously develop. Some of the nutrients can come from the dirt and fish wastes excreted in the pond. The use of UVCs has been deemed necessary when it comes # to eliminating algae in the pond. On the other hand, it causes the imbalance to prevail in the whole water feature. If all the algae diminish, the nutrients will continue to mount up since there are no algae to feed. This is when blanket weed takes its place in the pond. The unconsumed nutrients serve as the food for the squatters of the water system. Unfortunately UVCs do not have an effect on blanket weed growth. Blanket weed flourishes the most in the summer.

This is because of the heat of the season. The warmer the water, the more suitable it is for algae and blanket weed to multiply. They prefer to conquer the shallower areas in the pond like cascades and waterfalls. The only time these parasites do not develop is in the winter because of the cold temperature which is not suitable to any life forms on earth. But, this is not an excuse to not do anything to the pond's blanket weed since they grow back in the spring. The question, "How can blanket weed growth be prevented?" has been very puzzling for some. The use of algaecides is just another option which should be chosen last. The most important thing a pond owner must do to prevent blanket weed from growing is to reduce the amount of the three key factors mentioned above. If this is done, the problems that blanket weed can give will surely be lessened if not totally eliminated. Read more articles on how to stop blanket weed.

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