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Pros and the Cons of ReactJS and React Native

Alto Palo
Pros and the Cons of ReactJS and React Native

React Native and ReactJS are the latest technologies for mobile and web development presented by Facebook. This project was started by a Facebook software engineer, Jordan Walke, in 2011. To develop a more convenient user experience and simplify the entire development process, he decided to build a library that would support developing a web interface with JavaScript.
ReactJS is a JavaScript library that merges the speed of JavaScript and utilizes a new way of rendering webpages, making them exceptionally dynamic, powerful, and responsive to user input.


Virtual DOM
Support to Reuse React Components Saves Time
ReactJS is Constantly Evolving and Open to the Community
React Native Uses JavaScript, Which a Fast and Popular Programming Language
In-built Debugging


Speed of Development
Poor Documentation
Third-Party Components

ReactJS and React Native have been verified to be effective for designing interactive UIs. This is the reason why they are widely used by a broad range of popular websites.

Discover more ReactJS and React Native – Important Pros and the Cons

Alto Palo
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