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Graphene as a powerful component of Nanotechnology

Nanotech Energy
Graphene as a powerful component of Nanotechnology

Graphene is an excellent electronic material of the past silicon age, discovered in 2004. Known for its mechanical strength, thermal conditioning, and unusual properties, Graphene came into the limelight when a two-dimensional film was created by scrapping a single layer of graphene from bulk graphite in 2008. Since the beginning of 2008, many research scholars have come up with more than 27000 publications on this one of the most exciting materials of the scientific world. 

 Properties of Graphene

  • With a very low density, it is considered one of the lightest materials. 
  • The molecular structure of graphene looks like a honeycomb and is a hexagonal structure having a single layer of atoms. 
  • It is hydrophobic which makes it difficult to get miscible with water. 
  • After much research work on graphene, studies have found that the main constituents of graphene include fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphite.
  • Recent research on graphene showed that the bulk graphite properties were far away from what scientists have found on single-layer graphene. 
  • A single layer of the graphene material was found to be 200 times stronger than steel; the electrons and holes were more mobile. 
  • In addition to this, the single layers possess high thermal conductivity is so high that it does not face any resistance from the material itself. 
  • Due to its innumerable properties, it is clear that dry graphene powder can be put to good use as it being hydrophobic. 

Applications of Graphene

 Antibacterial Material- The thin dry sheets of carbon prepared particularly from the graphene, are used as antibacterial material and can keep the food fresh for a longer time. Such dry carbon sheets can be best utilized for clinical and environmental hygiene.

 Self-Powered Sensors: Some scientific institutes have discovered through research that graphene-coated surfaces carry a little element of current which makes graphene a good source of power and hence this power has been used for the dissemination of information to and from the sensors.

 Graphene loudspeakers: California University researchers have come up with new graphene loudspeakers which are having ultra-low mass and some of them are covered under the chemical evaporation process.

 Graphene Nano Ribbons IBM research centers and Californian University center recently discovered the amazing graphene nanoribbon arrays out of silicon carbide. The researchers claim that GNRs (Graphene Nano Ribbons) can be used as an electronic wave transmitter under well-controlled dimensions. 

 Petroleum Exploration: Graphene is used in different forms for various exploration purposes deep down the earth as dry graphene powder is used in many coating surfaces of petroleum and oil exploration equipment which demand high sensory powers.


Graphene is an excellent material and is capable of combining with other elements to produce something different with exceptional properties. Today dry graphene powder has got value in the market and is the most demanded product due to its unusual properties. In December 2011, graphene-based work ink circuitry was used to make an anti-theft product Siren - and was considered as the only commercial product available in the market that is based on graphene.

Nanotech Energy
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