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How Do I Perform the 123 Hp Setup and Installation

sofia sara
How Do I Perform the 123 Hp Setup and Installation

HP is considered as one exclusive and renowned brand that manufactures the best quality printers. Most of the HP Printers are known as All-in-one Printers as you can print, copy, fax and scan at a time. This is one of the amazing printer manufacturing companies which holds the attention of several people world-wide. It is easy to carry the HP Printers from one place to another without any kind of hassle. If you want help with 123 Hp Setup, then directly visit the official website of HP. You may also take the help of well-experienced professionals to get rid of the common printer related issues.

Step By Step Guide To Perform the 123.hp.com/setup and Installation

The process for the HP Printer setup is quite simple and straightforward. If you want to perform the 123.hp.com/setup and Installation and looking for help, then follow all the steps mentioned below:

• The foremost step in order to establish the 123 hp com setup Printer, you have to unbox the 123.hp.com printer. You are instructed to remove all tapes as well as safe packing.

• You must also remove the plastic film present around the HP printer.

• Make sure that you have perfectly removed the thick film on the document feeder’s adjustable paper guide because it can cause the HP printer to jam while printing the documents.

• After that, you need to connect the power cord.

• Now you have to connect the 123.hp.com/setup printer either wirelessly or by using the Ethernet cable to the internet.

• Ensure that you have perfectly filled in both trays of paper.

• Then configure the 123 hp printer. 

• Follow all the guidelines on the screen to choose the language, area, or time.

• You can now install the cartridges of the ink. 

• Follow the guidelines properly for the calibration of the printer.

• You have to carefully adjust the display screen to a more convenient angle as per the requirement. 

If you have successfully performed the HP Printer hardware setup, then you need to install the latest and compatible version of the printer software. You must install the latest HP Printer drivers from the official website of HP. Once you have perfectly set up the HP Printer, you can take a test print in order to check if everything is going well or not. If yes, then you can start printing the documents by giving the printing commands. 

For more information regarding the 123 HP Setup Laserjet, you can ask the experts for immediate help. The availability of all the technicians will surely help the customers to get rid of the common issues of the HP. The experts are well-known to most of the common issues that people usually face while setting up the HP Printer. Our experts are available 24*7 hours; do not hesitate to call the helpline number of our technical experts. Choose us and get rid of all the common printer setup and installation-related technical issues.

sofia sara
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