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Buy KosmoCare Shower Bench With Back For Elderly at Kosmochem

Kosmochem Private Limited

Everyone loves a shower but if you don’t have balance on your feet, that wet floor can be dangerous. And standing for longer periods can be uncomfortable for all of us.

A shower chair is a brilliant solution But with so many different designs of shower bench for elderly on the market, how do you pick the one that will work for you?

This is a fixed shower bench made from high grade aluminum and virgin plastics and has premium features for comfort and safety. This model has adjustable height and detachable hand rests for extra safety. 

shower bench for elderly,
shower bench with back
Shower bench with back


– Specially designed and constructed for a safer shower. It has anti-skid legs and detachable hand rests for safety.

– Premium fixed aluminum frame with high grade powder coating and a 1″incremental, adjustable height from 14.5″ to 19.5″ (37 cm to 50 cm).

– Virgin plastic seat which has holes in it for removal of the water and a back rest for comfort.


– Weight bearing capacity upto 100Kgs.

Kosmochem Private Limited
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