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Farmtrac Tractor Price Specification With Models In India

mohit batheja
Farmtrac Tractor Price Specification With Models In India

Hello farmers, supposed to buy the best tractor for your field in 2021. Farmtrac Tractor would be a good option for you, and its price is fixed according to your budget. Right now, this is the highest selling and trusted brand in India. 

This tractor is an excellent brand that showed amazing tractor specifications to support Indian agriculture. This model is only available in India and Poland. It comes under India’s popular and biggest tractor brand. It is budget-friendly and comes with attractive features.

It is ultimately an Indian brand. It comes with high fuel efficiency with comfortable features for simplicity for farmers. This tractor supplied with great hydraulic lifting capacity.

  • Mini tractor of Farmtrac Tractor Price starts from Rs. 4 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh.
  • Fully organized Farmtrac tractor starts from Rs. 4.90 lakh to Rs. 12.50 lakh

Price of Farmtrac Tractor with models


  1. Price of Farmtrac 41- Rs. 5.5 lakh around.
  2. Price of Farmtrac 45 supermaxx classic- Rs. 5.95 to 6.25 lakh
  3. Price of Farmtrac 60 tractor- Rs. 6.30 to 6.80 lakh.
  4. Price of Farmtrac 6055 t20- Rs. 7.20 to 7.90 lakh.


So, we hope this will be relevant information for you. For more information, stay tuned with the Tractor Junction.

mohit batheja
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