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How Does Marketing Differ From Advertising?

Studio45 IT Services SEO Agency In India
How Does Marketing Differ From Advertising?

The buzz of differing terms – Marketing and Advertising – Is still an
elephant in the room. There is no clear answer to this question with
anyone. The reason behind this is simple, there is a subtle difference
between both of these that any seo agency in India could find difficult to

Let’s take a look at what the best seo agency in India has to say about it
and how both terms can be understood.

So, take a quick glance at both the terminologies here.

Start with,


The core meaning of the term ‘Marketing’ is communication between a
company and its target audience. Different people define it differently, as
said earlier. However, marketing involves techniques such as market
analysis, market segmentation, and target group identification to choose
the best strategy for product promotion and customer engagement.
There are four main elements that form the marketing which include 4P –
Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Briefly.

  • Product

A product is considered as an item that meets the demand or need of
consumers, which can be tangible or intangible both.

  • Price

This element considers the amount customers pay to the company for the
purchased product. Through which, the company determines the profit and
success ratio.  

  • Place

In-house products will be located at the most convenient place from where
customers can easily access them. It involves franchising, exclusive
distribution, and selective distribution.

  • Promotion

Different types of communication that a company hold to share information
about its products or services are considered promotions. It could include
advertising, sales promotion, public relation, and even social media
Now, it turns to know,


It is a form of marketing that is used to promote the business. Actually, it is
a subset of marketing. If marketing is a whole cake, advertising is a piece of
that cake. In short, advertising is a part of the whole marketing procedure.
The main motive of advertising is to influence the buying pattern by
advertising your products or services to the progressive market.

Usually, buyers pass through six stages before purchasing any stuff. These
six stages are knowledge, awareness, liking, conviction, purchase, and
preference. And these six stages are further divided into three main
categories which are as below:

1. Cognitive (Awareness + Knowledge)

Consumers work on the information about products or services advertised
to them through communication.
2. Affective (Liking + Preference)

At this stage, they start connecting with the brand. Hence, during this stage,
advertising should be affectionate.
3. Conative (Conviction + Purchase)  

Here, buyers are either ready to make a purchase or show the intent of
So, now you can simply differ both the terms whenever anyone asks you to
define them both or even when you implement marketing or advertising
strategy in the business.

Ideally, you should connect with the leading seo company in Ahmedabad if your
business suffers due to a lack of marketing knowledge.

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