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Visit These 4 best sightseeing spots in Jammu Kashmir

Kohinoor Travel
Visit These 4 best sightseeing spots in Jammu Kashmir

Vaishno Devi Temple

In ancient Hindu tradition, Vaishno Devi was considered as a female deity. A powerful and inspirational manifestation of the universal divine force known as Shakti, she is associated with compassion and fostering unity between humans and all living entities. Visited by thousands of devotees every year from all corners of India, Vaishno Devi means “the giver of wealth” in Hindi. Visitation days are celebrated with great fervour and gaiety on the goddess’s Tirupati birth anniversary on 24th April every year. Here in Jammu Kashmir you can have the best Trip of Jammu Kashmir by Travel Agency in Kashmir.


Bahu Fort

Bahu Fort, believed to be put up by Raja Bahulochan of the Dogra dynasty, 3000 years ago, is one of the many splendid forts in Jammu. The fort is strategically placed on the banks of river Tawi and was once a major tourist attraction. This historical fort comprises of 16 bastions that are spirally arranged along the walls. A tiny Nala (stream) flows through it, and during rainy seasons when its waters flow rapidly, it makes a sound like someone talking in whispers. Though this magnificent piece of architectural art can be considered to be among the best preserved forts in India, its fall into disuse and deterioration over time is quite evident. You can have a great travel to Udaipur too by Travel Agency in Udaipur.

Mubarak Mandi Palace

Mubarak Mandi Palace can rightly be called the most extravagant and magnificent palace in the state of Jammu & kashmir. It was a palace built out of love by Maharaja Hari Singh Dev during the reign of Dogra rule in india. They were an important ruling clan in India prior to india's independence. Every visitor who comes to Jammu & Kashmir has to visit the birthplace of pious Dogras rulers and is surrounded by serene flora and fauna, Mubarak Mandal reminds you from where they earned their rightful place in this world. The palace was built as a summer resort for the ruling family to enjoy its blue days and it can rightfully be called a gem of art and architecture.

Peer Kho cave

Peer Kho cave is one of the most visited shrines in the state. Every year, thousands of devotees visit Peer Kho at various times of the year. The place draws a large number of pilgrims from Jammu and Gujrat during the Shivratri festival and Yatra held in April-May. The events that are organised at Peer Kho include music concerts, Mask Dance (Ras-lila), Bhajans and kite-flying contests. Besides, Peer Kho Cave is known for its religious history and its existence dates back to prehistoric times.

Kohinoor Travel
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