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Mathura Vrindavan Tour Packages

Mathura Vrindavan Tour Packages

According to Hindu mythology, the divine Lord Krishna was born in a cellar in Mathura but raised by His foster parents in Vrindavan. Earlier the site of an ancient forest, Vrindavan has been developed into an urban region over the last two and a half decades. Situated on the banks of River Yamuna, this playground of Lord Krishna has gained worldwide recognition as a prominent pilgrimage centre for Hindus in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Legends say that Vrindavan had disappeared into the pages of history over time. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu rediscovered the sacred forests of Vrindavan during the 16th century in his quest for divine love. With His spiritual power, He was able to locate all the places in and around Vrindavan that were associated with Lord Krishna's transcendent pastimes. Some such holy places are Gokul, Nandgaon, Barsana, Baldeo, Mahavan, Radha Kund and Govardhan.
Click now to get exclusive deals on Mathura Tour packages with airfare, hotel and sightseeing.

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100 feet road Chaitanya Vihar phase1 Vrindavan (281121) Mathura (u.p)

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