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Uniswap Clone - To Create DEX Exchange like Uniswap

Jack Winston
Uniswap Clone - To Create DEX Exchange like Uniswap

Maticz Technologies is a professional DeFi Development Company that offers top-class DeFi Solutions & Services to make your financial services decentralized all over the world and pioneers in the development of DeFi Exchange similar to Uniswap, JustSwap, Yearn Finance, etc...

Uniswap Clone Script

Uniswap Clone Script is a white label decentralized finance (DeFi) exchange script built on Ethereum Blockchain used to create a decentralized platform for automated liquidity provision on Ethereum that operates 100% similar to Uniswap. The Uniswap Clone Script supports both the swapping & liquidity provisions of Ethereum and its tokens.

#Maticz offers an advanced Uniswap Clone with Smart Contract Auditing Services and tests audit reports to build a decentralized, self-executing Ethereum liquidity provision protocol like Uniswap.

Features of Uniswap Clone Script

1. Uniswap Clone Script supports multiple Wallets.

2. Advanced Architectural design to reduce server maintenance costs.

3. A bug-free & highly customizable Smart Contracts.

4. N-number of ERC 20 tokens can be added.

5. Liquidity pools that allow unlimited ERC20 tokens.

6. An algorithmic, powerful Swapping engine.

Why Choose Maticz for Uniswap Clone Script?

Maticz Technologies is a proven Blockchain Development Company pioneers in providing DeFi Development Services & Solutions all over the world. Our strong knowledge in the DeFi, makes us deliver professional DeFi protocols development services to Create Uniswap Clone.

Our DeFi Developers are experts on various Blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Tron, EOS, hyper ledger, etc… develops Uniswap Clone with advanced technology stacks and bug-free, multi-tested Smart Contracts developed on Ethereum Blockchain.

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Jack Winston
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