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7 Out-of-the-box Product Video Creation Ideas for Increased Conversion

7 Out-of-the-box Product Video Creation Ideas for Increased Conversion

Today’s consumers are more informed, demanding, and inundated with options – and they’re increasingly turning to videos to guide their purchasing decisions. 56% of consumers think that brands need to have videos on their websites, and 90% of them feel that videos help with their buying process. From a brand perspective, a landing page video can increase conversions by over 80%.

Product video editing and post-processing of explainer videos aren’t hot cakes just for the sake of it. Businesses indeed take their consumer engagement level to the al-new-high with product demo or promotional videos. Creative product videos influence conversion and drive brand recall, product and service awareness, and brand trust. Unique explainer videos, for example, are one of the best resources for modern marketers, content creators, Animation studios in pakistan and brands who need an effective, fun, and engaging way to educate customers about their offerings in 90 seconds or less. Since they’re often a customer’s first experience with a brand when they hit a homepage, they have the potential to act as a sales associate, product description, brand introduction, and solution driver all in one.

Product Video and Its Impact on Consumers?

If you’ve recently been browsing a big-name company’s website and noticed a video option featured alongside product images, chances are you’ve encountered a product video. This versatile form of media has been a staple in leading marketer’s toolkits for the last few years and is gaining even more momentum in recent months as brands rely on mostly digital formats to reach their customers.

From individual product demonstration videos as seen from retailers like Sephora and Target to product promotion videos that go viral and get sold for over a billion dollars, product videos are a form of digital content that is only going to become more popular.

  • Launch Videos of Products or Services:Can be an introduction to a product as a solution to a common issue, a product reset, or an explanation of a complicated product concept, anything that amplifies a product launch.
  • Product Awareness Videos:Provides an initial product overview, introduces customers to the brand or product, generates excitement with fun facts or unusual product feature showcases, and often directs customers to more information.
  • Product Knowledge Base Videos:Shows troubleshooting guides, FAQs, articles, and other information that customers need to know about the product.
  • Product Demonstration Videos:Shows customers the “how-to” of a product or service, how it works, what it does, product features, and if there’s a learning curve to use it. Creating Stereoscopic Videos are a good example.
  • Product Promotion Videos:Focuses on the product’s key benefits, and what’s in it for the customer, similar to a traditional marketing video seen on tv commercials.
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