AI Products 

Panasonic Service Center in Lucknow

Ammulu Amu
Panasonic Service Center in Lucknow

We offer all types of appliances from Panasonic Company. If your appliances are having any issues it’s better to do service. Sometimes the elements of your appliances easily get into the market. But our service center will provide 100% genuine spare parts and replace the original spare parts. The Panasonic Service Center in Lucknow is the best. We treated our customers smoothly. Our technicians are well trained and experienced in providing service. We provide doorstep service to customers. Within 2 hours our technicians will visit your location exactly. They can handle any issues; it may be a major or minor issue with your appliances. The affordable charges Rs: 350/- per visit. You can contact us: 8688821743, 8688821393.


Ammulu Amu
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