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Led Linear High Bay Light Houston TX

Seena Paul
Led Linear High Bay Light Houston TX

High bay lights are commonly used in warehouses, factories, airports, or any large open area with a relatively high ceiling. The most popular choice for high bay light application is HID metal halide high bay light fixtures because they are powerful and long-lasting. But HID metal halide provides heat and a tendency to experience significant color shifting. Also, fluorescent high bay light fixtures are known to last a long time but they contain toxic materials like mercury. Led Linear High Bay Light Houston TX report energy savings up to 80% and also help to save money on maintenance costs. The main benefits of choosing led high bay lights are they do not produce heat so we can save money on cooling costs. High bay lights are durable it does not break easily. High bay led lights to use less energy to create the same lumens as traditional light fixtures this means you can spend less money on electricity while choosing led high bay light instead of halide or fluorescent. High bay led light lasts 10 times longer than metal halide and fluorescent.

Seena Paul
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