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Crushed Limestone Supplier in Egypt

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Crushed Limestone Supplier in Egypt

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Best Foundry Sand Supplier & Manufacturer in Egypt | SandTechnologys.net


Dry Silica Sand Manufacturer in Egypt

Foundry Sand Supplier in Egypt

Foundry Sand Manufacturer in Egypt


Sand Tech Co. is the best raw materials manufacturer company in Egypt, We supply high quality Silica Sand for Glass Making , Foundry Sand, Filter Media, Frac Sand, limestone, Quartz and Dolomite


Sand Tech Co. is the renowned Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Industrial raw material from Egypt. Our product range which is demanded all across the world is, for instance, Dry Silica Sand, Washed Silica Sand, Fracking Sand, Foundry Sand, Filter Media Sand, Dolomite, Quartz, in addition to  Crushed Limestone. We follow the well-defined industry norms and standards to process our raw materials. It remains our endeavor to be consistent in chemistry, size, and delivery. Besides, we work as per the needs of industry and its applications for silica sand and utilize the advanced technology to customize our range in terms of size and shape. We have mines in Egypt that produce the best quality. Our major areas of operation are KSA, Italy, Korea, and Bangladesh. High quality sand-quartz-limestone


Filter Sand

Our Filter Media Sand is in compliance with  AWWA standard and is helpful for many applications like swimming pool filtration, water treatment stations, and wastewater filtration. our filter media sand particles has a rounded shape and higher particulate holding capacity. Our sand is processed using a high-end technologies and is widely acclaimed.  So, get in touch with us now if you are looking for a dependable filter media sand supplier in Egypt, Contact us Now.





We are  a trustworthy crushed limestone supplier in Egypt, our limestone contains 99.0% of CaCo3 as a minimum and a small percentage of iron, magnesium, and aluminum with the whiteness of 95%. Also, we are specialized in export different sizes of crushed limestone, Get in touch with us if you are looking for a  trusted Limestone  Exporter from  Egypt. Contact us now.


Contact Us

Mail: info@sandtechnologys.net export@sandtechnologys.net tasawwoq1@gmail.com export.sandtech@gmail.com

Tel: 002035857567

Add: sand tech-689 horriya street, Alexandria,Egypt

Visit For More Information:- https://sandtechnologys.net

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