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89 OVR ICON CHOICE PACK + HUT RIVALS Progress PWNT Sounders 90 OVR Team Play

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Welcome to Pwnt Sound Productions' review of EA Sports NHL 21 Hockey Ultimate Team. This is a comprehensive review and guide taking you from 90 OVR and into Hut Rivals Play. Subscribe and follow along to see the progress of the Pwnt Sounders as we continue to improve the team and review the game features such as play modes, new card packs, and more. FOLLOW ON TWITCH for a chance at a free PS5 console! NHL 21 is an ice hockey simulation video game developed by EA Vancouver and published by EA Sports. It is the 30th installment in the NHL game series and was released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles in October 2020 Click here

#NHL21 #NHLHut #NHL21Gameplay

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