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What is blepharoplasty? Eyelid cosmetic surgery | Eyelid puffiness

neda afshar
What is blepharoplasty? Eyelid cosmetic surgery | Eyelid puffiness


What is eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)?

The main reason for many applicants for eyelid surgery is drooping and extra eyelid skin. This surgery can tighten and lift the skin around the eyes and give your face a more attractive, younger and more alert look. Blepharoplasty is sometimes used to remove vision barriers caused by drooping eyelids. In the treatment process, excess skin, muscle and sometimes adipose tissue are removed from the upper and lower eyelid areas. Sometimes only the extra skin is removed from the eyelid.

Of course, upper eyelid blepharoplasty, sometimes referred to as eyelid lift or eyelid augmentation, should not be confused with eyelid drooping surgery (ptosis surgery). In drooping eyelid surgery, the muscles and tendons of the upper eyelid, which are responsible for holding the eyelid up, tighten to correct the problem. Blepharoplasty eliminates drooping eyelids when excess skin causes the eyelids to become heavy and droop. So these two surgeries are different, but both can correct drooping eyelids.

Beauty blepharoplasty

Cosmetic blepharoplasty refers to an application of this surgery that is not medically necessary to perform it, but it can make your face beautiful and youthful.

Unfortunately, your upper and sometimes lower eyelids become swollen, swollen, and drooping as you age and accumulate fat. The same aging process sometimes causes drooping and swelling of the eyelids. As you age, your eyelid skin loosens, its muscles weaken, and its fat pads become swollen and more noticeable. From an aesthetic point of view, these items can reduce the attractiveness and beauty of your eyes and face and make you look older and tired.

Various specialists are allowed to perform cosmetic eyelid surgery. Ophthalmologists, plastic surgeons and ENT specialists can perform this surgery.

Therapeutic blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty refers to those eyelid surgeries that are performed because of a problem with the eyelids or their structures. These surgeries are medically necessary or important.

In most cases, blepharoplasty is performed when the extra skin on the eyelids has become so heavy that the person's vision is impaired. Sometimes swelling of the upper or lower eyelid makes it difficult to wear glasses or medical lenses, in which case eyelid surgery can be used to correct the problem. Treatment of skin inflammation caused by the folds of the eyelids overlapping is another application of this surgery. Sometimes the extra skin on the eyelids makes the eyelid so heavy that one has to use the forehead muscles to hold the eyelid up. In this case, fatigue and discomfort of the forehead muscles occur, which can be treated with eyelid surgery.

Like cosmetic blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery can be performed by ophthalmologists, surgeons, and ENT specialists.

Applications of eyelid surgery

Overall, the applications of eyelid surgery can be summarized in the following list:

Treatment of sagging skin or sagging upper eyelid skin that causes wrinkles on the eyelid and can cause problems with the surface curvature of the eyelid.

Treatment of drooping eyelids due to excess skin weight that impairs vision.

• Eliminate puffiness and swelling of the eyelids;

• Eliminate puffiness and swelling under the eyes;

Eliminates the drooping of the lower eyelid, which makes the white areas of the eye more visible under the cornea.

• Remove excess skin and remove fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid.

Recovery after eyelid surgery

After surgery, the doctor applies topical antibiotics to the affected areas to minimize the risk of infections. There is usually no need for patches or full eye patches.

• On the first day after surgery, you should use a cold compress every hour (while waking up) for 10 to 15 minutes. This will keep inflation and bruising to a minimum.

On the second day, it is recommended to use a cold compress every few hours for 10 to 15 minutes.

• To speed up the healing process, it is better to use a warm compress after 48 hours.

Depending on your condition, your doctor will explain the use of painkillers. Postoperative pain for most of our clients is controlled with regular (over-the-counter) painkillers. In rare cases, there is a need for stronger painkillers, in which case your doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication.

You should expect mild discomfort immediately after surgery. Although blepharoplasty is a minor surgery, it is still a surgical procedure. Of course, all discomfort and complications will improve in a few days. If you experience any vision problems or severe pain, contact Dr. Pakdel Clinic immediately.

Recovery period after blepharoplasty

Most eyelid surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, so you can return home when your numbness is gone. Your eyesight is blurred and your eyes may be gassed, so you need to plan for someone close to you to take you home. Avoid excessive physical activity for the first 24 hours and keep your head above your body during sleep. For this purpose, you can use two ordinary pillows or a large pillow.

Try not to turn your head too much and sleep in a semi-sitting position. You may feel that your eyelids are stretched and swollen. Ideally, you should apply a cool gas pad to the eyes regularly for up to 3 days after the operation. Use eye drops or ointment as prescribed by your surgeon. Any pain and discomfort can be relieved with painkillers. You can also use a light cold compress such as eye or corn and frozen peas in a clean, sterile plastic bag on the eyelids.

In the first week, there will be some puffiness or swelling around the eyes. This is perfectly normal and is part of the postoperative recovery process and should be reduced within 7 to 10 days. Incisions around the eyes may be pink and perfectly visible, and the eyelids may remain numb for several days. In some cases, the eyes become watery, dry, and sensitive to light. Possibility of touch sensitivity and bruising is also possible.

Recovery period after blepharoplasty

Rest for at least two weeks after surgery is ideal; rest gives you a chance to get back to normal faster. Also, avoid unnecessary stress to speed up the recovery process. During the first few weeks after surgery, it is recommended that you avoid looking at screens, such as computers and cell phones, watching too much TV, and reading books as much as possible, which can cause double dry eyes.

Avoid running, going to the gym, swimming or strenuous exercise for at least the first 2 weeks. Also avoid bending or lifting objects, both of which increase the blood flow to your eyes. Doing light stretching exercises may not be a problem, but avoid placing your head in a position below the level of your heart.

Smoking, in addition to all the adverse health effects it can have after a variety of surgeries, can slow the healing process. Smoking also increases the risk of postoperative infections. For this reason, it is important to avoid smoking for two weeks before surgery and during the recovery period after blepharoplasty surgery. After two weeks, you can use contact lenses and light makeup. Sunglasses should continue to be worn outdoors to protect your eyes from sunlight or wind.

After about six weeks, you will see the final result of your eyelid surgery. The remaining swelling will be very mild at this stage, but may still be visible as the sensitive tissues and muscles around the eye align.

Blepharoplasty: Plastic surgery and eyelid cosmetic surgery

As mentioned, blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a type of surgery on the eyelid in which the eyelid is reconstructed and repaired. In other words, blepharoplasty is a procedure in which the sagging eyelids are treated by repairing the abnormalities, weaknesses and defects of the eyelids, and the puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes are removed.

Blepharoplasty is a surgery that is not medically necessary and is done only to improve your appearance. For most people, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a plastic surgery for facial beauty. Of course, this action has a great impact on the beauty and freshness of the face and makes the effect of the look much more than before. But in some cases, blepharoplasty is a therapeutic surgery, especially when the drooping upper eyelid has reduced the field of view of the eye. In this page, we will discuss about eyelid problems and their treatment with this method of surgery.

Who can do eyelid surgery?

1- This operation is usually performed on people older than 30 years. But sometimes inherited problems with drooping eyelids or puffy eyes can occur at a younger age.

2- In the eyes of some people, the groove of the upper eyelid is not formed properly. So these people have eyes similar to the eyes of the Chinese and the Japanese. These people are also candidates for blepharoplasty. (Oriental blepharoplasty)

3- Eyelid surgery is also used to rejuvenate the eyelids in the elderly, which is a cosmetic procedure. (Blepharoplasty regurgitation)

4- This operation is also performed to repair excessive looseness of the upper and lower eyelids. In this eyelid surgery, the function of the eyelids is improved. This model of eyelid surgery is also called Functional Blepharoplasty.

How is blepharoplasty (eyelid cosmetic surgery) performed?

Blepharoplasty surgery is performed under local anesthesia. This surgery takes 1 to 2 hours. Of course, it depends on what type of eyelid surgery you want to do. Do you want to get rid of excess fat under the eyes? Or do you want to remove the skin under the eyes? Or do you want to correct the drooping of your upper eyelid? Blepharoplasty is performed in two ways for the upper and lower eyelids, which we will discuss. Rest at home for one to two weeks after the operation so that your eyelids heal completely.

Eyelid cosmetic surgery is an outpatient procedure and you leave it in the hands of your surgeon without the need for anesthesia. At Dr. Pakdel Clinic, you will find the best eye and cosmetic surgeons, the most advanced medical and laser devices, and the best prices together. Had.

Blepharoplasty for the lower eyelid (removal of puffiness under the eyes)

Blepharoplasty is performed on the lower eyelid to remove puffiness under the eyes and eliminate extra wrinkles under the eyes. Puffiness under the eyes is sometimes inherited and in many cases is due to the accumulation of adipose tissue under the skin of the lower eyelid. Removing puffiness under the eyes has a great impact on the beauty of the face and its freshness and youth, and therefore, this operation is very common and effective in people who have puffiness under the eyes due to aging.

In most cases, blepharoplasty for the lower eyelid is done by making a thin incision in the back of the lower eyelid and does not require suturing at the end. If the extra skin is below the lash line, the extra skin is cut and then fine sutures are attached to the incision. It is important to note that after one month, no trace of the incision remains.

In lower eyelid surgery, lasers or radio waves can also be used for precise incisions. In this type of incision, the possibility of bleeding during and after the operation and its possible risks are reduced. It should be noted that if there are wrinkles under the eyes, Botox injections may be needed after blepharoplasty surgery.

What is blepharoplasty and how is it done?

Eyelid surgery is a simple outpatient procedure that does not require anesthesia during the operation; Also, the patient does not need to be hospitalized after the operation and can return home and rest afterwards. This operation is not for women and men can also use this eyelid cosmetic operation.

There are two ways to perform blepharoplasty, one for the lower eyelid and the other for the upper eyelid surgery; In upper eyelid surgery, the doctor first uses a razor blade to make a small incision parallel to the natural wrinkles of the eyelid, and then uses a laser or radio waves or a razor blade to remove excess skin and fat in this area. he does; In this way, wrinkles and even drooping eyelids in this area are significantly eliminated.

Finally, the doctor uses thin and delicate sutures to suture the incision carefully and delicately; In this way, in addition to increasing beauty, the person also gains a wider and wider field of vision. In another method, which belongs to the lower eyelid, the specialist doctor first removes the excess fat in this area, which causes puffiness under the eye and makes it ugly, by making a small incision in the area under the eye. Removes excess skin under the eyes to make the area under the eyes smooth and wrinkle-free and multiplies the beauty of the face and eyes.

Applications Reasons for performing blepharoplasty

There are many different reasons and applications for cosmetic eyelid surgery, each of which is performed depending on the needs and purpose of blepharoplasty for the person. One of the applications of eyelid surgery is for people who have a lot of wrinkles in their eyelids, which are mainly caused by aging. With this surgery, these effects and wrinkles can be significantly removed and treated. Also, for people who have puffiness and swelling in the area under their eyes, they can use blepharoplasty cosmetic surgery to eliminate and repair these symptoms so that puffiness and swelling under the eyes no longer cause ugliness in the eyes and face. Other applications of blepharoplasty include the treatment of drooping eyelids; People with drooping eyelids can use this surgery to completely eliminate their eyelid problem.

Recovery period after blepharoplasty

In the first 24 hours after surgery, a person's eyesight may be slightly blurred and the doctor may use special gauze to dress the patient's eyes. In the first 24 hours after blepharoplasty, a person should refrain from strenuous physical activity and rest completely. The person should sleep half-sitting, so that the head is higher than the rest of the body and should not rotate too much, and should generally lie flat and straight. After blepharoplasty surgery, the eyes and surrounding area are swollen and remain swollen, which is completely normal and will resolve on its own after a week. In some people, it has been seen that they have runny and dry eyes up to a week after the operation, which is a natural factor and will disappear after a week.

Return to normal life after a week; But the best and most ideal recovery time is two weeks. During this time, the patient rests well and recovers completely and can perform the activities of daily living without any problems.

Are the end results of permanent blepharoplasty?

The permanence of the results and effects of eyelid cosmetic surgery depends on several different criteria and it can not be considered as a single dependent factor. Although the final results of blepharoplasty are considered to be long-term results; But these results will not remain entirely in any person. The results of this eyelid surgery disappear with age and can not be prevented in any way. Of course, there are solutions and methods that can greatly increase the lifespan of blepharoplasty results.

The purpose of drooping eyelid surgery

The purpose of eyelid surgery is to improve the appearance of the eyes with the following methods.

Eliminate visible signs of aging such as puffiness, wrinkles and excess fat on the upper eyelids

Eliminate the signs of aging on the lower eyelids such as wrinkles, sagging, and puffiness

• Gives a younger look to the eyes

Restore vision affected by drooping upper eyelids.

Source: Drpakdelclinic

neda afshar
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