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Nikole Edwards | Social Media Marketing | Web Design

Nikole Edwards
Nikole Edwards | Social Media Marketing | Web Design

Nikole Edwards said it is worth knowing the difference and incorporating it into your overall digital strategy. If you don't know, it's okay to admit it, because there's a big difference between social media marketing and traditional marketing, and there are many differences between them. Social media marketing as a whole can be incredibly valuable and beneficial to your business growth. While Instagram is the primary social media marketing network, your strategy may vary depending on what your audience spends their time on. If you decide that your story must be part of your plan, it doesn't have to be the only part.
If you take the time to conduct a social media marketing analysis, you are in a good position to decide which platforms are best suited to your audience's goals and to get to know your target audience. Knowing your target demographics and behavior on social media is already available to you, provided you know where to look, but outlining the details ensures that everyone is on the same page and helps you create a consistent and recognizable brand persona across all your social media. Dealing with your social media marketing presence will keep your public image positive and help to satisfy customers.

Nikole Edwards
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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