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Top Time-Saving Tools for Mobile Game Developers in 2021!

Devstree IT Services
Top Time-Saving Tools for Mobile Game Developers in 2021!

Game developers manage all technical skills from setting basement a whole studio within fixed hours of the day. To improve mobile game applications, there are a lot of time-saving apps and services. But the main problem is to choose the correct one for developing and improving your mobile applications.

We have compiled several mobile application services that can make your job easy and less time-consuming to improve your mobile game applications better than before. You can focus on what you are doing and what you love to do.

Here are different app developer tools listed under different headings according to the advantage and services they provide. Have a look and choose what is best for you and your applications.

  1. Advertising and Marketing Tools
    • Adjust

Cost – This app’s prices are based on the install volume and the features

Supports – Adjust is supported by all the major platforms

Adjust allows you to make your marketing sale easy and successful. It offers many tools. You can find how other players are reaching your game app. You can also check how much each lead costs.

You can perform many functions using this tool like

  • You can follow your users buy your campaigns
  • You can automate your many tasks for time-saving
  • You can also separate your audiences using different parameters
  • You can work as well as track any fraud to save your application


  • Top-On

Cost – You can know more by staying in close touch

Supports – It is supported by iOS, Android, Unity, Cocos, Adobe Air

Top-On offers you to link your app services with different platforms like Facebook and UnityAds to advertise your application to the best and attract more users. It helps you to monetize your game application to several platforms as well as in different formats.

  1. For Analytics and Error Logging
    • GameAnalytics

Cost – $0

Support – Supported by all big platforms


GameAnalytics is a free tool developed by game application developers with analytical tools in it. It offers you to analyze player behavior, improve user engagement to the game app, and advertise and monetize your app to the best. It analyzes your game application on 50 different matrices for real-time insights.

  • Crashlytics

Cost – Free start

Support – Android and iOS supported

You can check your app’s errors using Crashlytics. Create a loyal player for your app following UX free from such annoying bugs to improve your engagement. Crashlytics offers you this advantage by actively dealing with your all sort of issues even before your support team is filled with a flood of tickets.

  1. App services for good Workflow and Collaboration
    • GameFlow

Cost – Free of Cost

Support – Unity supported

GameFlow is a programming tool with visuals that works on simplifying your game development. You can create many complex logics, creative effects, and interactions in a single video editor, even without adding code lines to your application. It makes your various tasks easy, saving lots of your time so you can focus on your gaming application the most.

  • Trello

Cost – $0 (For basic plan)

Support – Supported by all major platforms

Trello is a project management application service that offers you defining and tracking your so far done projects. It has a digital dashboard in which you can create and arrange your and your team members’ actions. This tool also links your game application with various platforms providing great exposure to your app.

  1. Tools for high engagement and retention
    • Discord

Cost – $0

Support – Supported by all major platforms

Discord offers you to chat with other players while playing games. Players like to stay in close contact with other players of their team in recent years. That is why many app developers are setting their channels to stay connected with their community of players. Many demo versions of their games are being rolled out with Developer Q/As and prototypes.

  • Twitch

Cost – $4.99/month (For basic plan)

Support – Supported by all big platforms

Twitch is one of the world’s leading platforms offering videos. This tool is used for online games by more than a million broadcasters, with 100 million viewers reaching monthly. You can develop your audiences’ memorable experiences by offering them live sessions through commenting and dynamic gifting services. Twitch also helps you to broadcast visuals of high quality for various data streams. It also includes kill counters, player statistics, and mini maps.

  1. Tools for creativity
    • Luna Labs

Cost – $0

Support – Unity supported

Luna Labs provides you a quick demo of your game. It links up to unity and creates an advert and a quick video telling how your game application works. It is a perfect platform to give people an experience of your gameplay before making a decision. This tool encourages players to try your game out once without commitment to app developers.

  • Adobe Photoshop

Cost – $25/month

Support – Supported by all major platforms

Adobe Photoshop is still the best and most demanding tool to add visuals when wanting 3D effects in your game app model. It offers various comprehensive creative features to make your app more creative. Many creative application developer professionals use this application service. It offers game developers to create and craft many innovative gaming concepts in real-life digitals.

  1. Tools supporting sound and audio
    • Freesound

Cost – $0

Support – Supported by all big platforms

Freesound has many audio samples to make your gaming experience unforgettable. It will add that excellent touch to your game that you were looking for for so long. Moreover, all audio samples available in Freesound are CC licensed. You have to invest some of your time in its database to find some perfect sounds, field recordings, bleeps, and all other audios for you, which would be costly or difficult to access through other sources.

  • Audacity

Cost – $0

Support – Supported by all major platforms

Audacity is an open-source for all audio editors where you can record your dialogues, can add special effects helping actions to your game. It has one of the most powerful and useful features available through an intuitive surface. This feature makes this app service tool practical for both sound wizards and sound tech newbies. Audacity is a great tool to start now.

Wrapping up!

There are many apps and tool services that help you to improve your mobile gaming application. But it is very important yet tricky to find the best tool among all that best fits your gaming app. We have put together some best mobile game app developing tools and services that can help you bring your game a success.

Source: www.devstree.com

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