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Cross River Therapy

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on science of learning and behaviour. Individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also use ABA as a behavioural intervention. ABA helps the person in improving social interactions, learning new skills and maintaining positive behaviour with others in surrounding. Behaviour analysis helps us to understand various aspects like:

  • How behaviour works
  • How learning takes place
  • How behaviour is affected by environment

ABA therapy applies the understanding of how behaviour works in real life situations. The major goal of ABA is to increase the frequency and tendency of positive behaviour while eliminating or negating the negative one.


ABA therapy programmes can help in increasing language and communication skills. Also, it helps in improving attention, focus and memory span. Basic skills such as concentration and listening are addressed by behaviour therapists, while more nuanced skills such as reading and social skills are also addressed. Following these steps will help children learn more effectively by growing habits that make it difficult for them to learn, giving them the skills, they need to build, learn, and grow in a safe and supportive manner. But how does ABA therapy work? ABA therapy includes many techniques for learning, understanding and changing behaviour. ABA is a flexible treatment:

  • Can be used to meet the needs of every person.
  • It is unique to everyone.
  • Skills taught are used in real life.
  • Can be used at any location whether it is home, school or college.

The US Surgeon General and the American Psychological Association also consider ABA to be an evidence-based best practise procedure. The term "evidence-based" refers to ABA's ability to pass empirical evaluations of its utility, quality, and effectiveness. Many different methods are used in ABA therapy. Many of these approaches concentrate on antecedents (what happens before a behaviour occurs) and consequences (what happens after a behaviour occurs) (what happens after the behaviour). Many, but not all, children with autism benefit from comprehensive and long-term treatment based on ABA values, according to more than 20 reports. Intensive and long-term treatment services offer 25 to 40 hours of counselling a week for one to three years. Intellectual functioning, language development, everyday life skills, and social functioning are all improved in these studies. Adult studies using ABA principles show similar results, despite the fact that there are fewer of them.

ABA therapy is not something which came into existence now. It is there from 1960. Therapists and doctors have used it to treat individuals with autism and development disorders.

Cross River Therapy
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