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Best Kajaria Ceramics Dealers

Best Kajaria Ceramics Dealers

There is widespread use of ceramic tiles in our households. Most people use these ceramic tiles because of their quality, design and eye-catching color combination. With the use of ceramic tiles at your home and offices, it would make your home cleaner and attractive. The glaze and designs of these tiles give elegancy and sophistication to your household that everyone really desires. If you want to buy ceramic tiles, you should find the best Kajaria ceramics dealers in Chennai offering best ceramic tiles. 

What are ceramic tiles?

The ceramic tiles are produced by the combination of clays and other materials, like sand, water, and quartz. These tiles are mostly used in offices, restaurants, shops, and even houses also. Ceramic tiles are also used in bathroom and kitchen floors. They are so popular because they are easy to clean, easy to fit, and easy to maintain, and are also cost–effective.

Chemically, the compounds that are produced with the mixture of clay, sand, quartz, and water are the mixture of complex silicates. Except for silicon and oxygen, all other materials decide the properties of the tiles. For example, the presence of iron in silicate brings the red-orange color. The silicates put to very high a temperature that is between 900 to 1400°C. As a result of that, the water from the original compounds gets wiped out that allows the chemical bonding among the layers of silicate. It brings tenacity to the ceramic tiles.  

Signature Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd, well-known Kajaria ceramics dealers in Chennai that offer high-quality ceramic tiles at affordable cost. Our tiles have been sourced from reputed manufacturers who have used cutting-edge technologies in the production process.  The tiles we offer are the perfect blend of advanced technology and attractive designs & effect. It doesn’t matter which tiles you choose you will discover something special. To cater to the needs of the customers, we offer wide-ranging designs and colors of ceramic tiles with impeccable finishing that makes us stand out.

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