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4 Smart Tricks to Attract New Clients with Your Business Cards

Rahul Shah
4 Smart Tricks to Attract New Clients with Your Business Cards

Business cards are a very essential tool of direct marketing. Whether you are in a B2B or B2C business, having a business card is a must. It is a great tool to connect directly to your clients and give them a basic idea of your brand and the product and services you offer. As a general rule, business owners often hand over their business cards to whosoever meets them or shows interest in buying their products and services.

Business cards are one such marketing collateral that helps in generating filtered leads. It is not always necessary that everyone you handed over your business card will possess it for a long time. People who find your business relevant to their needs will retain your business card and refer to it when the need arises. Thus, business cards are an effective way to reach out to potential clients and enable them to contact you and show interest in your services. However, it is not always necessary that clients who contact you through your business card will necessarily purchase from you. Remember, we are living in a competitive world where most of the businesses today sell almost similar products and services and their approach towards the clients also remains the same. So, if you are thinking that by giving out uniquely designed business cards you can attract new customers, you are mistaken. Your competitors also have a similar approach and there is a full chance of losing out on a new client because you failed to impress them but your competitors didn’t.

The design and overall look of the business cards do matter, but as business owners, you can’t just rely on one factor. Apart from business card printing that are of good quality and beautifully designed, you need to focus on the approach you take towards reaching out to new clients or prospects. Several smart tricks can be used to gain a competitive edge using a creatively designed business card. Your aim should be to become people’s priority. And one way to outplay the competition is to think of unique ways to reach a new client using a business card.

Here are 4 smart and creative tricks that can help you attract new clients with your business cards:

  1. Design a mindful business card: The first and foremost trick to attract new clients is to print business cards that are eye-catching and worth possessing. If you want your business cards to be retained by the recipients for future reference, you need to invest in quality business cards. Print all the essential details and the logo of your brand on the business cards. Make sure it is neither too loaded with information nor any important detail is left out. Use thick card stock and give your business cards a special finish. This makes the business card look premium. You should be able to design a business card that looks relevant and creates curiosity amongst the recipients.
  2. Add a business card to the product packaging: The second smart trick is to include the business card in the packaging of your product. If you are in a retail business, this trick can work wonderfully well in your favor. Sending your business card with the products will not only increase the recall value of the current customers but will also encourage them to refer your services to their friends and colleagues. You have to make sure that your products and customer service satisfy the target audience so that they refer your brand to their known ones. This is a very good trick to generate new leads.
  3. Add discount coupons on the business cards: Another very unique approach to attract potential clients using business cards is giving some sort of incentive via the business card. You can print a coupon code, a scratch card, or a bar code that offers new clients a discount or an incentive on their first purchase. This helps in building curiosity and gives an added advantage to your business card. It will also help in gaining a competitive edge and can bring your brand to the front foot.
  4. Give business cards at various public gatherings: This trick is very frequently used by business owners. You can distribute your business cards at a public gathering like international meetings, trade shows, events, and conventions. People from different walks of life come together at such public events and hence it is a great opportunity to generate some useful leads. You can establish a good network and take your business a step ahead of your competitors.

Follow these amazing tricks and attract new clients with effective business cards. Get your business cards designed online from PrintStop, a perfect solution for business card printing. PrintStop offers quality business cards to meet the marketing endeavors of businesses. So, generate a good amount of leads with uniquely designed business cards and take your business to the next level.

Rahul Shah
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