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Modern Kitchen Cabinets Is the New Kitchen Trend

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Modern Kitchen Cabinets Is the New Kitchen Trend

When you think of kitchen cabinet design, modern kitchen cabinets almost always come to mind. Modern kitchen design can mean many different things to many people, but from a basic definition, if your design style isn't too traditional and yet more modern, then you might prefer using modern kitchen cabinets for your remodel. You have many choices when choosing modern kitchen cabinets because cabinets of this sort have become popular not only with homeowners but also with contractors and builders. Modern kitchen cabinets come in just about any design style you could imagine.

Generally speaking, you'll find two main kinds of finishes available when it comes to modern kitchen cabinets: stained and unfinished. Both are popular. Stained finishes are usually white or very light wood colors. The darker the stain the more weathered it becomes. For that reason, some people choose light-colored finishes for their modern kitchen cabinets, so they appear more clean and light.

Unfinished modern kitchen cabinets go with a variety of looks. In addition to being unfinished, these cabinets are made out of various types of materials like wood, plywood, MDF, and even acrylics. Some materials like wood are better suited for cooking, while other materials like MDF and plywood are more suited to the home decor market. For that reason, there are many choices when choosing modern kitchen cabinets. These cabinets can be painted any way you like; however, you do have to take into consideration how easy it will be to clean stains from your kitchen cabinets.

In contrast to unfinished modern kitchen cabinets, finished ones are available in just about every color possible. They are often coated in a variety of materials to make them look modern and contemporary. Examples of color choices include black, gray, brushed nickel, chrome, and stainless steel.

One of the popular styles of modern kitchen cabinets is frameless kitchen cabinets. These cabinets allow you to keep your kitchen open and simple. With frameless kitchen cabinets, you save space by not having drawers or cabinet sides. This style of the cabinet gives you more storage area and less cabinet "hanging space". Because these cabinets are less noticeable than traditional kitchen cabinets, frameless cabinets allow you to modernize your kitchen and still keep an easy-to-clean design.

Another option that is growing in popularity when it comes to modern kitchen cabinets is flat surfaces. Flat surfaces are becoming more common because they save a lot of money and are easy to clean. Most flat surfaces either have stainless steel appliances on one side or one appliance with a stainless steel drawer. Most flat surfaces are designed for easy wiping of stains; however, if you choose a more glossy finish, you will want to consider using kitchen cleaners that do not leave chemical residue on the flat surfaces of your appliances.

The last option that is growing in popularity for modern kitchen cabinets is frosted glass paneling. Frosted glass paneling has become so popular because it looks like it matches most existing cabinet doors. You can find frosted glass paneling in many different colors such as beige, black, light blue, and white. Many people choose frosted glass paneling for an elegant look.

Other modern kitchen cabinets have no ornamentation at all. Ornamental cabinet doors can add a nice touch to a new kitchen or you can choose an antique design style that does not have any decoration. With modern kitchen cabinets, there are many different options for your kitchen design. Make sure that you find the design style that works best for you and your kitchen decor.

Some modern kitchen cabinets are made from solid wood. You can find solid hardwood cabinets in colors that range from natural to dark brown. Solid wood cabinets are available in unfinished, pre-finished, and pre-lit in many different colors including black and beige. If you prefer a lighter color, you can find pre-lit solid wood cabinets in various shades of brown. You may also find solid wood cabinets in a color that complements the colors in your room.

A popular trend in modern kitchen cabinets is to use frameless cabinet doors. You can find modern cabinets with no frame and the cabinet sides are completely or partially frameless. In some cases, the cabinet sides are framed and the rest of the door is glass. Frameless cabinets provide you with a modern look, but they do not have the extensive history that traditional kitchen cabinets have.

Most kitchen cabinetry is available in a standard size, which is usually 19" wide by 24" deep. There are also some specialty cabinets available that are larger than standard. Some of these cabinets are specifically designed for a certain function, such as under-counter refrigerators or ice makers. There are many options available to you when it comes to choosing your new kitchen cabinetry.

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