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Best true wireless earbuds under Rs 3000

Technology and Tricks
Best true wireless earbuds under Rs 3000

The price of wireless headphones has come down a lot since their inception two or more years ago, and now they can be purchased for the price of a regular wired earphone. This article brings you a curated list of the six best true wireless earbuds under Rs 3000.

Wireless headphones are more about convenience than bragging about technology. Each of us loves to be wire-free when it comes to electronic accessories – whether it’s a TV remote control, smartphones, or even Bluetooth speakers.

Best true wireless earbuds under Rs 3000

1. Realme Buds Air Neo

2. OPPO Enco W11

3. boAt Airdopes 441

4. Mivi DuoPods M80

Read More here-  Best true wireless earbuds under Rs 3000

Technology and Tricks
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