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Step by Step guide to develop an on-demand home service app urbanclap clone

Step by Step guide to develop an on-demand home service app urbanclap clone

The fact is that the on-demand industry has a good scope in the present as well as future. Below are the major steps to consider during UrbanClap like app development.

Step 1 – Market analysis

In the first stage, you have to analyze the recent market trends and understand your target customers’ preferences. This helps to build a successful plan for your business.

Step 2 – Choose the revenue model

Secondly, you have to decide on which revenue models you are going to implement in your UrbanClap clone app. The popular monetization strategies to prefer for generating revenue are commission fees and in-app advertising.

Step 3 – Plan your budget

Before you get into UrbanClap like app development, you have to know your resources and plan a budget accordingly. The cost of developing an app is variable and relies on various factors like app features, app design, app platform, technology stack, location of the app developer, and so on.

Step 4 – App design

One of the parameters that make an app succeed is a framework. It should be designed in such a way that it draws attention from the customers. Also, make sure it is easy to navigate through the UrbanClap clone app for choosing the services hassle-free.

Step 5 – App features

Now, it is time to choose the feature-set that will be integrated into your app. The essential features are listed below for your reference.

  • Advanced filter options
  • Live tracking
  • Multiple payment options
  • Push notifications

Step 6 – App development

There are two popular ways of approaching the UrbanClap like app development process. One is a conventional way of developing an app from the ground and the other is a modern way of developing using the clone script.

Nowadays, the second approach is in trend as clone apps empower you to launch the app in a moment. Why wait? Boost your business by launching an on-demand home services app now.


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