AI Products 

Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit

Raz Smith
Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit

Advanced Nutrients Starter Kit

The Lo Starter Kit contains all the nutrients your indoor grown plants need also autoflowering 

Contains a complete set of fertilizers for growth and flowering, a root stimulator, a flowering stimulator, enzymes to improve the absorption of nutrients and, finally, an end product for rinsing plants before harvesting.

Below is a complete list of all Starter Kit products with a brief description:

GROWTH FORMULA (500 ml): Create ideal production conditions during the 18 hour light phase. Application Grow it should terminate between 21 and 30 days after the transition phase of flowering plants, with 12-hour light;

 FORMULA BLOOM (500 ml): High concentration of magnesium and phosphorus, which increases the yield of flowers. For use in the flowering phase;

MICRO FORMULA (500 ml): Supports the entire life cycle of your plants, from growth to flowering;

These three-component fertilizers must be used simultaneously in all stages of the cultivation, only the amount of each component changes in different stages (see the table included in the box for adjustments).

Below other products:

NATURAL POWER ROOT STIMULATOR (250 ml): Increases disease resistance and keeps plants healthy. Stimulates the growth of roots and their apparatus; DOSAGE: From the first day of sowing, dilute 1 ml of the product in 1 liter of water 1-2 times a week throughout the vegetative phase;

NATURAL EXCELATOR FOR GROWTH / FLOWERING (250 ml): Increases the weight and volume of flowers, strengthens the immune system and compensates for damage caused by harmful insects; DOSAGE: During the flowering phase, dilute 1 ml of the product in 1 liter of water;

NATURAL POWER ENZYMES + (250 ml): Strengthens the roots and improves the absorption of nutrients; DOSAGE: Dilute 1 ml of product in 1 liter of water;

FINAL POWER SOLUTION (250 ml): Increases the quantity and quality of flowers and improves their aroma by removing excess fertilizers from the final product;

DOSAGE: Apply in the last week of the flowering phase by adding 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water.

NB To "adjust" the number of different products, refer to the table that will be supplied with the products.


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! ! ! STAY HIGH! ! !


We are not responsible for how you use this information. Our guides / articles are for informational purposes only, in some countries, including Italy, the use and cultivation of cannabis is illegal and punishable by criminal and administrative law. https://hydroworlds.com

Even if, in our pure conviction, accidental use or use for medical purposes, and not for the purpose of drug trafficking, is completely legal.


Raz Smith
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