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What should be attention in calendar printing?

rai kim
What should be attention in calendar printing?

What should be attention in calendar printing?

1.Because the calendar can provide rich information to the audience, it has become the preferred carrier for many enterprises to spread corporate culture, product characteristics and service concept. So how does the company design and make a table calendar with exquisite taste to move customers? Some problems still need attention.


  1. The paper quality of the company can be determined according to the demand of paper.  We have varies kinds of paper can be chose for calendar printingchina, such as glossy art paper, matte art paper, offset paper, card paper, special paper etc.
  2. There is a professional design for the calendar, calendar design should also be through professional people to design, in order to reflect more value. Such as font size, color gradient design, image selection and so on will have an impact on the appearance.
  3. Most of thecalendars printingare saddle stiched binding and wire-o/spiral binding. If the budget is limited, you can choose the cheapest and simplest riding nails. Considering the quality of printed matter and the cost of publicity, we can measure the quality from the table calendar or wall calendar. The premise is to communicate with the printing company about product quality.


rai kim
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