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A go through to top 5 legal news of the day

India Legal
A go through to top 5 legal news of the day

India Legal have been a suitable Supreme Court and High Court news along with all daily legal updates from the legal background. Here we are discussing top six latest legal news of the day.


#Former MLA Rambeer Shokeen who is identified as a close associate of jailed gangster Neeraj Bawana today filed a plea in Delhi High Court requesting bail for the surgery of an alleged pre-cancerous cyst. He has been in prison under the Maharashtra control of crime act. Rambeer Shokeen is not only an associate but also a close relative of gangster Bawana who has been one of the most wanted gangsters till his arrest in April 2016.


#Supreme gives green signal to challenge state policy in High court to those doctors who want NOC for higher studies. While hearing doctors’ plea requesting for NOC for pursuing PG diploma in AIIMS rishikesh, the Supreme Court figured out that the petitioners need to go to Allahabad High Court to challenge the policy.


#Delhi High Court restrained an online community Tractor2twitr

driven by the people who are interested in Farmers' protests from uploading posts against news channel AajTak on its social media accounts.


#Two Delhi police constables were issued show cause for creating funny videos on social media during their duty hours. Both were alleged of making funny video during their posting at PS Model town New Delhi. According to the notice, they were violating lockdown procedures and social distancing norms that were truly unprofessional. The deputy commissioner of Delhi police issued a show cause notice when they were preparing various amusement videos during their official duty.


#According to an affidavit filed by the Rajasthan Government, Asharam Bapu is intentionally challenging the order of Rajasthan High Court which dismissed his request to suspend the jail tenure for ayurvedic treatment. It's the third attempt of Asharam to suspend his sentence under the vesture of medical treatment.


#Madhya Pradesh High court ordered the concerned authorities to decide the representation of the petitioner within three months seeking a grant of benefit of third time pay scale to the petitioners after completion of 30 years of service.


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