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When Do You Need To Have A Root Canal? Read Below!

New Hope Dental Care
When Do You Need To Have A Root Canal? Read Below!

Do you have a broken tooth, an untreated caries or an injury? Know that you may need to go through a root canal dentist near me (or an Endodontist)! But after all, what is this? Endodontist is the specialty responsible for studying the dental pulp, the entire root canal system and periodical tissues, as well as the diseases that affect them. And, it is this professional who will tell you when it is necessary to do the root canal!

If your dentist has recommended root canal treatment, there is probably serious damage to the nerve in one of your teeth. Therefore, treating the problem in advance is essential to avoid the emergence of other complications. They can involve severe pain, swelling, infections and even tooth loss. When not performed, the patient may end up having to extract the tooth, a procedure that, in addition to affecting self-esteem, may lead to the need for a dental implant.

How is the root canal treatment done?

During the procedure, the pulp from the tooth is removed. Afterwards, the remaining space is cleaned, modelled and filled. This way, you make sure your root canal is closed and you can smile without fear of further damage!

The steps are:

  • First, an opening is made in the back of an anterior tooth or in the crown of a molar or premolar
  • The pulp is removed and then the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned, widened and shaped in preparation for the restoration.
  • The restoration is done. In some cases, depending on the area removed, a crown is placed over the tooth to restore its shape.

In how many sessions is it done?

Root canal treatment can be done in just one session. However, if there are complications, this number can increase. The number of sessions can vary according to, for example, the degree of inflammation and infection of the tooth, the complexity and also the degree of difficulty that each case may present.

How long does the root canal treatment last?

As caries can still return after the procedure, some tips should be followed. So keep to a good cleaning routine. In addition, always try to visit root canal dentist near me

 periodically. In short, it alone can help you keep your oral health up to date.

Since there is no more pulp to keep the tooth alive, root canal teeth can become brittle and more prone to fracture. After all, this is an important aspect to consider when deciding between a crown and restoration after root canal treatment.

To determine the success or failure of root canal treatment, the most reliable method is to compare the new X-rays with those taken before the treatment. Thus, this comparison will show whether the bone is still being destroyed or is being regenerated.


In addition, in the first hours after the root canal treatment near me, you need to be a little more careful when chewing. After all, there are risks of, due to anaesthesia, biting your cheek while eating. If the pain starts, then immediately it is necessary to contact the dentist.

New Hope Dental Care
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