Understand all the PSC exams state-wise. We have added the details of all the state PSC exams on our website. You will find all the information like pattern, syllabus, eligibility, etc. It will help you with the exam preparations. Know More about PSC Exam

IAS Babu Ji
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Anil Narula's provide best Best PCS Coaching in Chandigarh in both english and hindi medium.
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cheggindiainfo 2023-05-04

Each state has its own PSC, and the recruitment process for various administrative positions varies from state to state. Eligibility Criteria:The eligibility criteria for PSC exams vary depending on the post applied for. Educational Qualification: The educational qualifications required for PSC exams are usually a graduate degree from a recognized university. Tips for Preparation:Preparing for PSC exams requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Conclusion:In conclusion, State PSC exams are one of the most competitive exams in India, and the recruitment process is rigorous.
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There are several reasons why PSC exams are important:Career in Public Service: PSC exams provide an opportunity to join the public service and work for the government. The selection process may involve multiple stages, including a preliminary examination, main examination, and interview, depending on the nature of the post. Kerala PSCKerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) is the state-level public service commission of the Indian state of Kerala. The selection process may involve multiple stages, including a preliminary examination, main examination, and interview, depending on the nature of the post. The selection process may involve multiple stages, including a preliminary examination, main examination, and interview, depending on the nature of the post. Here are some useful tips that can help you in your state PSC exam preparation:Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Carefully go through the exam pattern and syllabus of the state PSC examination. Remember, consistency, hard work, and smart preparation are the keys to success in State PSC examinations.
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It is essential for one to understand the main differences between PSC and UPSC. We have added all essential information on the same. Before applying for the exam, know all essential things and apply. Know More about the Difference between UPSC and PSC
AnujjindalUPSC 2022-02-08
The UPSC exam is a 3-phase affair:Phase 1 is the UPSC Preliminary Examination, also called UPSC Prelims. However, the UPSC Prelims examination is basically conducted for the purpose of screening only. The UPSC prelims examination comprises 2 papers, namely the General studies paper and the CSAT paper or the Civil Services Aptitude Test. This is because only the candidates that are able to successfully clear Phase 1, or the Prelims, are allowed to appear for the Phase 2 or Mains exam. In other words, only the candidates that are able to score above the UPSC cut offs for the Prelims are then allowed to take the Mains exam.