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3 vital steps for transferring a domain?

Muqadam Navicosoft
3 vital steps for transferring a domain?

There are various reasons for a domain transfer from one registrar to another one. Maybe the price is high, that it does not suit your budget. The user experience might not be good, and you are unclear about how everything works. Whatever is the reason for your domain transfer, it is important to know the significant steps for transferring a domain from one host to another.



The first step is to ensure whether the domain name is eligible for transfer or not. To do this, you can log in to your current registrar to check if the following statements are correct:

  • The domain should not be on hold.
  • The domain was registered at least 60 days ago with the current registrar.



The second step involves the preparation of your cheap domain transfer. You must check your domain is unlocked so that you have an authorization code from your registrar. 

Registrars prepare your authorization code for the identification of the domain name holder. It is one of the most important steps for transferring a domain is to check the website of the current registrar to find how to get the code. You can usually find it out using the information in the FAQ sections.



Now is the time to submit your domain for the transfer. While transferring your domain to Navicosoft, you will get full assurity that your domain will get a one-year renewal for extensions including .org, .com, and .net, whereas other domains like PK Domain have another procedure for domain transfer. Head over to Navicosoft to submit your domain name for transfer from another registrar. 

Muqadam Navicosoft
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