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free classified adsFree Advertising to sell anything for the mobility, rehab and elderly community.Is a site developed by Anthony and Kean to assist in finding products and services that are an every day requirement for more than 1.2 Billion people in the world.Whether you need to find a vehicle or personal care professional or wheelchair or disability compliant accommodation while on holiday, this is the site for you.Being wheelchair bound I found it very difficult to find so many types of products and services like accommodation, travel, mobility support items readily available as new or second hand in one source.
Many hotels and motels that state that they have wheelchair compliant accommodation barely fit a wheel chair when entering the bathroom and many the bed heights are much higher than the average wheel chair sitting height, doors have knobs not handles and open frontwards etc...
This is not only the case for disabled but also elderly for which the numbers are increasing with people living longer and longer each year.We have put together a site plus forum and mostly cost free advertising to promote the buy/sales of any products and services in this industry.
Over the coming months we will be bring many innovative and exiting developments to our members/users.It is our dream that every person have a happy and independent life.